M.A.C. & Lorde Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating... PH seems to adjust to everyone's individual coloring somehow, and has looked beautiful on everyone I've see in on! It looks a little different on everyone, but always beautiful!


Well-known member
Quick question, I'm an NW13, does anyone else in my complextion range have this? I am seriously hovering over the buy button on MAC's website..
I see you already got it but when I see pictures of you and everyone who replied, it makes me question even more how I was matched as a nw15. As much as I wish I was that pale, I so am not. I need to be matched again..

Dolly Snow

I mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating... PH seems to adjust to everyone's individual coloring somehow, and has looked beautiful on everyone I've see in on!  It looks a little different on everyone, but always beautiful! :flower:
Everyone has said that and it's true! Suits every single person.


Well-known member
I mentioned this before, but I think it bears repeating... PH seems to adjust to everyone's individual coloring somehow, and has looked beautiful on everyone I've see in on! It looks a little different on everyone, but always beautiful!

Quote: Originally Posted by Dolly Snow

Everyone has said that and it's true! Suits every single person.

so true!!!!


Well-known member
Everyone has said that and it's true! Suits every single person.
The only people I think it might not look the best on are people with extremely thin lips, but I tend to think that about most vampy lip shades. It can just look a bit more harsh imo. Of course, if you have really thin lips and love those shades anyways then you should go ahead and rock them!


Well-known member
Would it be dumb to buy this and save it for winter? I'm an NC20 in winter and would probably just pair it with mascara, some false lashes, and a dusting of blush.