Recent content by adegea

  1. adegea

    My MAC stuff

    This is my MAC stuff, except my 15 shadow palette (I forgot it) bare, utter pervette, 3N, ramblas red, odyssey, del rio, rubia, jubilee, vivacious, viva glam V, blueblood, snob appeal, angel, queen's sin, plum dandy, brew. -rose blanc, retrospeckt, shroom, filament, soba, neutral pink...
  2. adegea

    Hello from Spain

    Hi there. I have known about your forum in Spain. You are very famous there, like a MAC's bible or something so. I want to learn a lot of you and I hope I could help a little also. I work as a secretary in a little estate's agent, I am married and I have an almost five years old daughter. xxx