Recent content by bacardibelly

  1. bacardibelly

    Distinction In Make-up Artistry from Illamasqua

    Hi all - I need some help/suggestions in entering the Illamasqua awards. There are some amazingggg prizes - working with Alex Box on a Dazed and confused shoot is what I am hoping to win. Have you all heard of it? I have copied and pasted the press release I received below.. Illamasqua is a...
  2. bacardibelly

    Distinction in Makeup Awards

    Hey, Is anyone entering the Distinction in make-up Artistry awards fromIllamasqua? I need some inspiration! I've posted a thread on this already I recevied their press release and it reads as follows: Illamasqua is a brand that has always encouraged self-expression in its purest form...
  3. bacardibelly

    Illamasqua Distinction in Make-up Artistry Awards

    Hey All! Has any one heard about this? Illamasqua is a brand that has always encouraged self-expression in its purest form, without inhibitions or constraint. That’s why we are proud to be launching the biggest prize in professional make-up art. If you see yourself as the next...