Recent content by brooke

  1. brooke

    Fall 06 mailer

    Today I got a fall 06 booklet from MAC! Inside is 3 attached post cards of Untamed, Rockocco, and Studio Mists. the booklet just promotes the fall things and doesnt really tell anything about the collections we already don't know. It got me excited hah!
  2. brooke

    creamstick color recc.

    Ordering online again, I thought I could handle not getting to mac for a while but i CANT! I want to get a lip pencil, I love Dervish but want to try a creamstick. What color of creamsticks are similar to dervish?
  3. brooke

    What do you think of CCBs?

    I was going through old makeup and found Fantastic Plastic, and Pearl. I have only used these a few times, they just don't do much for me. The fantastic plastic especially, it doesnt show up on my pale skin (nc20). I get mad when I think about them. What do you guys use the CCB's for? I...
  4. brooke

    263 vs. 266

    Somehow I aquired both of these brushes, they look exactly the same and feel the same. why does mac have two brushes that are so similar?