Recent content by cakeandmartinis

  1. cakeandmartinis

    Can you change someone? Or can you change for them?

    Back story: Me and my boyfriend met each other in high school and have been dating on and off since grade ten, so like four years. I love him, I really do. BUT. Is there a point you reach where the love just isn't enough anymore? The problem is, I see him once a week, MAYBE. He just doesn't...
  2. cakeandmartinis

    Purple Lips And 'She's Good' Lashes!!

    Okay so I wore this look out for a friend's birthday. Uhmmmmmmmmm it includes: 'she's good' lashes Up the Amp lipstick Vex e/s
  3. cakeandmartinis

    CHALLENGE: Do Your Best Courtney Love!

    Some of us love her, some of us hate her. We can all agree that she's a mess. Let's pay tribute!! Some inspiration for youuu: Have at 'er!!! Extra points if you have a half empty bottle of vodka in the background and pills strewn artistically. xD
  4. cakeandmartinis

    Purple Reign, Mermaid of Honor, Bare Necessities: Three FOTD's!

    Helllllloooo ladies and gents! This is my first (!) post in the Member FOTDs! Excitement!!! Alright. So first up we have the look I have entitled Purple Reign due to the overall purple theme throughout the look. They tell me I'm clever...
  5. cakeandmartinis

    Purple Reign, Mermaid of Honor, Bare Necessities: Three FOTD's!

    Helllllloooo ladies and gents! This is my first (!) post in the Member FOTDs! Excitement!!! Alright. So first up we have the look I have entitled Purple Reign due to the overall purple theme throughout the look. They tell me I'm clever...