Recent content by cjneely

  1. cjneely

    i'v never thought of just one beauty color

    I noticed that beauty of color is from the inside and outside but I love color that is in everyone if you believe that makeup outstands your beauty believe that makeup has been around for a very long time and it's a miracle that us women can wear makeup so that we will look our best and feel...
  2. cjneely

    If you like me?

    Hi this is LeAnn, Today I colored my hair cherry Auburn I look so diffrent now and I think I look good now. Today I went to the mall bought me some earrings and a lipstick and I also painted my nails red raven it's a beautiful color and I'm so proud of myself. Talk to me about hair color...
  3. cjneely


    Hi this is LeAnn, How are all of you. I want New hair because it just don't look good no more because I've been so depressed and sick. My hair is African-American and I want to change it so badly so I want look depreesed in the face. I bought new makeup but makeup just can't change my look no...
  4. cjneely

    Why Me?

    Hey, I just can't think like I used too. I can't do nothing right at home I just can't get out and find something I need but I do get help and my head just can't grasp what's happening to me for 4 years. I just don't like what I have and I can't get things straight with my thoughts I have bad...
  5. cjneely

    Somebody help me about Mac

    Hey everyone, I don't know too much about this site I'm new here and I never used MAC before and I don't know anything about it. Please explain to me about MAC? What does the MAC stand for? I've heared of it before I just don't know anything about it I just wear these different...