Recent content by Coco_Hailey

  1. Coco_Hailey

    My "Waiting for Lingerie" first ever!

    here's my first one so excuse the flaws... I still haven't made my mind on what I'm getting for Lingerie...
  2. Coco_Hailey

    Best purple e/s for smokey eyes?

    Hi! I need your help to figure out which (deep) purple e/s would be nice for smokey eyes? thanx!
  3. Coco_Hailey

    Help me choose a blue teal e/s (please!)

    Hi! teal is a very popular color this season and I'd like to get a blue teal eye shadow, now there are several to consider: - Steamy - Tres teal (Rococo) - Zonk! Bleu (Idol Eyes) - Blue absinthe (Ornementalism) I'm really looking for a blue teal, and I don't want it to be as bright as Parrot, I...
  4. Coco_Hailey

    Ink & Steel

    this is my drew barrymore butterfly replica...oh yeah I'm a hardcore drewbie! and this is my industrial piercing how about you?
  5. Coco_Hailey

    Best / Worst candidate for MAC ICON?

    Hey! maybe this subject has already been covered, but since we kinda lost track, I just thought it'd be fun to discuss who would be the best and worst candidate for MAC ICON. Now, I don't know what makes a MAC ICON, is it the glamour, the charisma, the character? So I think the worst possible...