Recent content by darling

  1. darling

    Fyrinnae & MAC pigments & SE brushes [Pics]

    Fyrinnae takes a LONG time to come =[ However the wait was definitely worth it. I think I ordered a total of 25 shadow samples.. These have not been pressed yet, but I'll get to them some time soon hopefully.. Pressed, 3 of which crumbled because I used too much alcohol. I'll try pressing...
  2. darling

    Fake/Real Ebay brushes from MAC Formal Black Collection

    Hello everyone (: I've been e-stalking this seller for awhile now =X (SF2HB on Ebay) She sells brushes by sets, and most of them seem to be from the Formal Black collection.. From what I gathered, she has a bunch of them and takes them out of their pouches and sells them as one big LE set...
  3. darling

    Good Morning Green (:

    Hii (: This is my first FOTD Please excuse the horrible picture quality, I can't find the charger for my camera so I ended up using my Macbook webcam. I'm not really as pale as the photos look (maybe a shade darker? lol) but if any of you have used the attached cam from a Macbook, you know it...
  4. darling

    Professional vs real name, which one should I use?

    Hi everyone! I'm very excited, I worked for my first tear sheet today for Skorch Magazine.. I'm not familiar with it, but even if it's a small publication I'm still very happy (: I have a question though, I have a real name and a name I use as a MUA & model, sort of a "professional"/"stage"...