Recent content by dippypippy

  1. dippypippy

    Gel for nails..Need some help

    Hi Folks .. The last set of Acrylic nails I got ahs totally ruined my nails.. So while I wait for them to grow out.. I am interested in getting some gel systems for myself to do at home...I don't want to get the arcrylics done again.. Anyway I was reading a post from another...
  2. dippypippy

    Hello.. I'm a newbie

    Hello from Ireland... I came across this site by accident but had to join up.. Hope to chat to you all at some stage or another.. Dippy
  3. dippypippy

    Hey.. I'm a newbie

    Hi all.. I just found this site by accident but I had to join up.. Feel free to add me in to blogs or links and so on.. Hope to chat to you all soon.. Dippy