Recent content by DreamingOfMilan

  1. DreamingOfMilan

    Help! I Need to Sell Some Designer Jewelry But Don't Know Where To Go...

    I have some vintage designer jewelry that I want to sell off (think Cartier and the like) but I honestly don't know where to begin. I tried speaking with some jewelry shops near where I live, but their offers were waaay too low for what I'm selling. I want to go online, and maybe do consignment...
  2. DreamingOfMilan

    Anybody Else Like Fashion Sweepstakes?

    I've been entering high-end fashion sweepstakes for almost a year now, the biggest prize I've won so far was a gold ring from Macy's in the summer. Is anybody else here into this sort of thing? Maybe we could help each other out by exchanging sweepstakes here, so that we all find more to enter...