Recent content by gis08

  1. gis08

    2nd FOTD :)

    Hi guys, its been awhile.. For this FOTD, im just trialing because there is going to be a party on saturday and im thinking of using this look.. Nothing too fancy . And i always wanted to try the winged out liner look, here goes.. Let me know what you guys think (sorry if the pics are too...
  2. gis08

    First Fotd :p

    My First fotd guys! oK, im scared, lol. The reason for a fotd is because i just got some MAC stuff, my friend went to KL, and i asked her to get me some eyeshadows. My first MAC eyeshadows! Hehe.. I used: Eyes: Untitled paint Shroom Aquadisiac Blue peep fluidline Shade fluidline YSL Faux...
  3. gis08

    First Fotd :p

    My First fotd guys! oK, im scared, lol. The reason for a fotd is because i just got some MAC stuff, my friend went to KL, and i asked her to get me some eyeshadows. My first MAC eyeshadows! Hehe.. I used: Eyes: Untitled paint Shroom Aquadisiac Blue peep fluidline Shade fluidline YSL Faux...