Recent content by JunkaLunk

  1. JunkaLunk

    FOTDS from 6 months ago.

    I'm sorry, I really dont remember what I used. And I know this is going to be moved to the picture section But I felt like sharing out of boredom. Needless to say, I barely ever wear makeup anymore.... I dont...know....why.... boring browinsh look... hmm... blue... purple...
  2. JunkaLunk

    Boredom & Duct Tape

    Me and my friends were bored yesterday so we decided to duct tape myself to the wall. hahahahahahHAHAHAH
  3. JunkaLunk

    Would anyone know how to acheive this style?

    I'm a complete dumb dumb when it comes to styling hair, I barely ever mess with my own. But i really like how this looks and my hair is cut similar. suggestions?
  4. JunkaLunk

    Here is my Face of the Day.

    Eyes: lancomes colour dose in flamingo coast Lancomes off the rack Lancomes backstage pass Lancomes New Black Loreal HIP in Rebel Loreal Hip in Famous Milanis Shock Milanis Atlantis random natural looking falsies Loreals liquid liner Lips: Lancomes Le Crayon in Caramel topped with Chanels...
  5. JunkaLunk

    FOTD JUNE 13th

    Nothin special. I lost my eyelash curler nyx black eyeshadow milanis atlantis semplice aqua some random glittery white es loreals voluminous in carbon black (not curled) semplice blush in ruddy and revlons star attraction lip gloss oh and I got these cute new eyelashes in chinatown...
  6. JunkaLunk

    More peircings... I took one out and decided to replace it with two more.
  7. JunkaLunk

    "Drugstore Only" Face

    I was extremely bored and decided to challenge myself and only use dun dun dun drugstore products. hahaha. All I have to say is it took alot of eyeshadow to acheive the look I wanted. before (just for kicks because I look cockeyed): and after: eyes: maybelline dream mouse shadow in...
  8. JunkaLunk

    i look like im 12.

  9. JunkaLunk

    pornstar challenge fotd

    This was so much fuuuuuun!! I dont think Ive ever worn SO much makeup, and liked it. hahahahahah eyes: milanis shock nyx black lancome's luring milanis dominos pallette some black eyeliner haha lash in a tube face: mac mineralize satinfinish in nc25 revlon instant skin brightener in...
  10. JunkaLunk

    If only my makeup would help me pass my test

    I got a 39%!!!! I literallly blow when it comes to understanding poetry. well yeah... eyes: milanis shock milanis clover milanis light green one (the sticker came off) nyx black lancomes green tourmaline\ lash in a tube black face: dream matte mousse in light lips: chanels glossimers spark
  11. JunkaLunk

    through out 3 years

  12. JunkaLunk

    I <3 Before and Afters

    SOOOOO.... before: AAAAAAAND after:
  13. JunkaLunk

    Before and After

    I have a really bad camera 3.2, which is horrible when you are trying to show your makeup skills. ehh.. so I thought a before and after will actually prove that am actually wearing pigments and what not. Before: After...
  14. JunkaLunk

    New Hair

    before: after: sorry so big.
  15. JunkaLunk

    Apple Cider Vinegar on acne?

    I heard this was true. can anyone fill me in?