Recent content by marilyns_firstkiss

  1. marilyns_firstkiss

    playing with that drag technique again!

    its mostly fever blush, electra, swish, pink freeze,,,,n3 studio fix......using 266 brush and blending..once again, shitty web cam doesn't show the colors that well or the blending, just mainly the dark and light colors..but here goes it...
  2. marilyns_firstkiss

    fotd 5.19.05

    i felt like playing with colors..used electric eel, chrome yellow, juxt, brill, nylon, contrast, carbon.....yikes overload!!! its too bad you can't see the colors that much because of the shitty web cam i have...but i thought it turned out pretty damn bright in person...thanks for checking it...
  3. marilyns_firstkiss

    going to d'bohemiah look for today

    here's the look i was going for... heres the pics...last one is my tattoo shot...i am shameless...hehe
  4. marilyns_firstkiss

    skinflicks looks?anyone have these or know where icangetthem

    i am not sure who exactly this is directed to,,,janice you have the face chart looks from skinflicks? they were my favorite...i think the quality has just diminished in the past years as far as the artwork of face charts. thanks for any replies.
  5. marilyns_firstkiss

    please excuse crappy picture quality

    this is d'bohemia colors. i freelance for mac during their events. i am a newbie here so,,,,hello all. glad to see we have so many mac addicts. heres the look i somewhat followed. except i did alot of shadows towards the nose and used spice liner and flash of flesh on the lips...