Recent content by SagMaria

  1. SagMaria

    Afterglow Cosmetics

    I hope this is not a repost. Their foundation has been raved about in a few places but also hated as well. I am so curious about their foundation but it seems to be touch and go. Apparently their old formula was better? How does their new foundation compare to Alima? How are their...
  2. SagMaria

    TRULY natural/holistic/organic skincare?

    Who follows a truly organic or natural skiincare regime for face/body/hair... and I'm not talking about Lush natural as they use parabens or The Body Shop or a lot of products out there that are perceived to be natural as they are not. I'm talking about sulphate/parabene and completely...
  3. SagMaria

    Renee Rouleau (sp?) skincare

    I've seen a few article profiling her and have had a chance to look at her website, products look great to me but I am hesitant to spend hard earned $$ on skincare that is just OKAY. Has anyone used her stuff? What can you tell me? Good or bad?
  4. SagMaria

    Irritated/sore scalp rememdies

    I've been stripping my hair colour with harsh shampoos (on purpose) but it's resulted in a sore, irritated scalp. Does anyone have any remedies, both DIY and store bought - NATUARL preffered please!! Thanks!
  5. SagMaria

    Scarlett Johannsen's look in the Black Dahlia

    Can anyone advice me on how to copy this look? This is the only picture I can find online, I wish there was something closer up. Also, I know there was a makeup breakdown listing all the makeup products used on her in this look online somewhere but I can't seem to find where it is. Thanks...
  6. SagMaria

    Itchy all over!

    Is it the time of year? I am itchy all over, it's driving me crazy!! My legs, scalp, arms. I need a remedy!! Help!!
  7. SagMaria

    Allure magazine - Cult favorites issue?!?

    Okay I wasn't sure which forum to post this in because the subject didn't fit neatly into any of the categories but anyways, here goes, I used to have a huge stack of Allure magazines that my mom made me throw out and I remember there was an issue where a whole bunch of 'cult beauty products'...
  8. SagMaria

    Allure magazine - Cult favorites issue?!?

    Okay I wasn't sure which forum to post this in because the subject didn't fit neatly into any of the categories but I am asking for a suggestion somewhat and it is about beauty/ used to have a huge stack of Allure magazines that my mom made me throw out and I remember there was an...
  9. SagMaria

    What are you wearing right now?

    sorry double post
  10. SagMaria

    What are you wearing right now?

    SO many new perfumes out now for fall/winter. What's your new fave?
  11. SagMaria

    What do you use for razor burn?

    No matter if I use a new razor or old, especially around my bikini/no-no area I ALWAYS get razor burn. I also get it really bad on the insides of my thighs and then when I wear pants and walk they rub against the pants I'm wearing and make it worse!! Ouch! What do you ladies use to...
  12. SagMaria

    Favourite dermatologist lines?

    I'm having trouble picking and choosing considering there are quite a few lines out there. I want to know what your ladies' best and worst picks are amongst these lines. Oh and by dermatologist lines I mean ones like DDF, Murad, Dr. Brandt, etc., etc. Oh and some others are Cosmedicine...
  13. SagMaria

    Self-help book suggestions ... for when you're going through a rough patch...

    I am going through a bit of a rough time in my life at the moment, feeling down, unable to be close to family, worries, etc. Does anyone here have any good self-help books to recommend?
  14. SagMaria

    I never feel like I am truly happy and at peace

    Haven't posted here in a long time, glad to be back.... It just feels lately that I don't feel happy, something always feels off. I am always worried, down....but not severley depressed or anything...issues with me family are bothering family and I haven't had a 100 % perfect...
  15. SagMaria

    Seattle shopping!!

    I'm a Vancouverite that is planning on going to Seattle for a week. I would love to know straight from the mouths... well ... fingers of Seattleites where all the good shopping is, outlets, clothes, shoes, perfume, beauty stuff, etc., etc. What are some great hole in the wall shops and where...