Recent content by Silent

  1. Silent

    My first tutorial. Holy cow that's purple! [link]

    Tutorial for this look: Can be found HERE
  2. Silent

    Two looks, Blue smokey eye and Bright Green

    Eyes: MAC phloof as highlight MAC freshwater on inner lid, NYX turquoise pigment on outer lid MAC deep truth in crease. Lid colours are over a base of well blended UD 24/7 pencil in zero. YSL Faux Cils mascara. Face is Milani luminous, benefit highbeam and MAC lightscapade and my lips are...
  3. Silent

    my first FOTD, dark green/blue smokey eye.

    MeMeMe Shadow I used cause it be too purdy not to show off. Face: L'oreal translucide foundation in shade 15 Touche Eclat Lancome dual finish powder in matte buff Chanel Rose petal blush Lightscapade Benefit Highbeam Eyes: Rimmel brow pencil in dark brown UDPP UD 24/7 liner in zero as a base...
  4. Silent

    Barbie in the UK, the LE doll availablity info.

    I was talking to my counter manager today, who has just returned from a staff briefing on the Barbie collection. According to her the UK is only getting 60 of the LE MAC barbie dolls. 10 of these will be allocated to the website and the remaining 50 will be split between Browns in NI, and...
  5. Silent

    Any experience with Strawberrys MAC Boutique on

    Before I shell out for a few samples I thought I'd get the Specktra ladies expert advice. Can anyone tell me if this is a reputable seller, or if something looks dodgy? I can't tell authenticity from the picures she has, but what worries me...
  6. Silent

    UK blossoming MAC addict saying hi!

    Hello folks! I'm a confirmed MU addict, just really getting into MAC after being a confirmed UD/Hard Candy devotee for years. I'm NW15, grey eyes, scarlet red hair, 26 and a full time student. I'm a sucker for anything glam and edgy, especially 20/30's movie star looks and cateye MU. I'm...