Recent content by Soul Unique

  1. Soul Unique


    Hello Specktrolites!!! Old and new, not to mention the lurkers too lol. Wow, it has been a whoooole year since I posted!!! I hope that you will all accept me back on to the 'Welcoming Committee'....I've missed the 'Welcome Forum' I've missed my official enablers...
  2. Soul Unique

    WOC: Wonder Woman

    Hey Ladies, I noticed that there wasn't a WW thread in BOC so thought i'd start one. So what are your first impressions on the Wonder Woman collection? What are your 'Must Haves', 'Maybes' and 'Skips'....?
  3. Soul Unique

    Dupe for Dior 1-Colour... Eyeshadow in Crystal White 006

    Hi Ladies [and Gents], I would be very grateful for any recommendations regarding a dupe for Dior's 1-Colour Ultra-Smoothing High Impact Eyeshadow in Crystal White 006. I am looking for a White eyeshadow with a slight shimmer that won't look chalky on application. For reference I am NC46/50...
  4. Soul Unique

    Hey Guys and Dolls

    Hi everybody, I thought that upon stumbling on to Specktra that it looked like a great community to join, so here I am!! I love make-up, I especially like to get creative when it comes to participating in Carnivals in Europe and the Caribbean, makeup, lashes, colours, glitter and rhinestones...