Recent content by stockham

  1. stockham

    Just been *dumped* :(

    Well some of you may remember the guy i was kind of seeing over the easter vacation. We weren't official, because he told me that he didn't want a relationship or for anything to happen till after our exmas which would be 5 weeks away. However i've just found out through a website (facebook...
  2. stockham

    lower lashline question

    My eyeliner that i put on my lower lashline (not my waterline) never stays there! Is there anything that i can do to make it last longer? I've tried using eyeshadow instead of eyeliner pancil or khol, but i sitll have the same problem! Today i've been wearing jungle green rimmel eye pencil...
  3. stockham

    Elite Pro Cosmetics?

    Has anyone tried Elite Pro cosmetics? Are teh eyeshadows pigmented? Do they last? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  4. stockham

    Men trouble (isn't it always)

    Well i know i'm new around here but i need some advice from someone, anyone really and i know what a nice bunch of people there are on here. Just to give you some backround info, i'm a 19 year old girl from England who's at university. About 4 weeks ago (and 2 weeks before the end of term) i...
  5. stockham

    Best eyeliner?

    now being the rock chick that i am, i love wearing black eyeliner, but have yet to find one that actually lasts! so girlies, what in your opinion is the best eyeliner?
  6. stockham

    everyday look?

    Hey girlies! I'm looking for an everyday makeup look (eyeshadow, blusher and lip products) that is also quick to do. Being a university student i don't exactly leave myself enough time in the morning to get up and actually make myself look that pretty. If you want to see what you're working...
  7. stockham

    Greetings from England

    Hey everybody! My name is Emma (you may call me Em) and i'm 18 years old from England. Live in the London area normally but go to univeristy in Durham (the not so grim north). I'm not the most attractive girl around but i can do my makeup better than my room mate (which isn't that difficult...
  8. stockham

    New member needing help for tonight!

    Hiya Girlies! I've heard so many wonderful things about you all and i desperately need some help for tonight! It's an informal valentines ball at uni and i need some recs for eye shadow colours that would work well with a low cut bright red top and black skirt. I'm slightly fed up of smokey...