Recent content by traunit

  1. traunit

    Makeup Kit? Face Atelier?

    Hi Ladies and Gents... I am putting together my makeup kit for a makeup artistry class and I wanted to know if any of ya'll have tried Face Atelier? I was thinkin about buying the MAC Pro Student Kit but I'm not sure about the Foundations. So I was thinking I would put it together from scratch...
  2. traunit

    Which school?

    Hola...If any of ya'll are from So. Cal. maybe you can help me out...I'm going to take a makeup class and I can't decide which one to take...theres one at Mt. Sac on Wed. nights from 7:00-10:15 starting on Oct. 8-Nov. 12 and there's another at RCC that starts on Aug. 23-24 from's...