Recent content by txgirl0302

  1. txgirl0302

    EOTD: Green, Pink and Purple

    MAC Bare Canvas Paint Green side of Stila Fandango duo MAC Sushiflower in crease MAC Nocturnelle outer third Lancome Honeymoon to highlight UD 1999 and Zero Almay Triple Effect Mascara
  2. txgirl0302

    Three EOTD

    I got home from work and decided to play with my makeup to make up for the horrendous day. Just for the record I had no idea what I was doing lol so sorry in advance for the suckiness. (1) MAC Bare Canvas Paint L'oreal HiP duo in Magnetic MUFE #92 L'oreal HiP Color Truth cream...
  3. txgirl0302

    FOTD: Sunday at home trying out BB's Black Plum

    I decided to give BB's black plum a go today. I still need all the practice and I always have fun "playing" with my makeup when I'm bored lol. For some reason the pics look shimmery than what they really are; it's not that shimmery in real life. It must be when I resize them the pixels get...
  4. txgirl0302

    Anyone know a dupe for Cool Heat e/s?

    Inspired by the tutorial contest winner I want cool heat e/s but I've had too many bad experiences on ebay to purchase it from there. Anyone know a dupe or a color closely related? MAC or any brand is fine.
  5. txgirl0302

    My very first fotd...

    This is my first fotd. I'm nowhere near as good as I would like to be at applying my makeup but practice makes perfect right? So I took the night in to finally play with the MUFE 92 that I got for my bday. I did a HORRIBLE job blending but I'm getting there=]. Face: CG Smoothers...
  6. txgirl0302

    MAC e/s recs...

    I'm a NC35 and I have dark brown eyes. I'm planning a MAC haul at the end of the month and was hoping that I could get some recs from yall. I'll probably end up getting a little bit of both bolds and nuetrals. TIA!
  7. txgirl0302

    Hi! Newbie from Texas

    Hi all! My name is Gen and I'm a total newbie to spektra. A friend referred me over here and I'm super exciting about browsing the entire site. I'm loving it so far! Looking forward to chatting with yall!