Recent content by Undercover

  1. Undercover

    Nars Peach Blushes- Like Mac's Peaches/Gingerly/Coopertone?

    Hi! I was looking for a thread that talks about Nars peach blushes, but couldn't find one. All I found was ppl describing Nars Orgasm, but to me that isn't such a peach color..... more on the pink side. I have really liked the quality of Nars blushes and would like a peach colored blush...
  2. Undercover

    Which Nars blushes are matte?

    Hi, I don't have a sephora near me, so I want to order a Nars blushes from online. I'm reading the descriptions for each of the blushes, but am not exactally clear on which ones are matte (no shimmer or glitter). Could you guys please help me out and let me know which ones are matte so I...
  3. Undercover

    NC42 - Which Blush?

    Hi, I'm an NC42 and want to find a Nars blush that will go well with my skintone. I am looking for a more natural looking powder Nars blush (possibly one that is on the matte side) and am also looking for recommendations on Nars creme blushes. Based on quality, color etc... do you guys...
  4. Undercover

    Blushes for NC42

    Hi! I'm an NC42 and am looking for a recommendations on blushes. I want a perfect daily natural looking blush but any suggestions on other recommendations for my skin tone (or what anyone with my skin tone loves) would be really appreciated! What I'm hoping to find: 1. Everyday natural...