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  1. salvador4dali

    Baby landlord - check it out!! i keep watching this over and over again!!
  2. salvador4dali

    Me and mehndi!

    i went to my cousin's wedding on Sunday and this was my look, I also did her bridal mehndi - well on her hands anyway, her other cousin did her feet. front of hands - mehndi back of hands - mehndi constructive criticism greatly appreciated! TIA peeps!
  3. salvador4dali

    pre-wedding event!

    Went to one of four of my friends pre-wedding events today - had a fabulous time! But I almost started crying because she's getting married in a week! Its the end of a chapter and the opening of a new one.... anyway thought I'd take the liberty to post a coupla photos! Had to rush to do my...
  4. salvador4dali

    2nd fotd!

    My best friend is getting married next week and she wanted us to do a dress rehearsal - including makeup and everything! so I took photos because I know next week we'll all be rushing around and have no time to take any photos! Didn't do my hair coz I'm thinking of curling it and I couldn't be...
  5. salvador4dali

    Ist FOTD (eeekkk nervous!)

    this is my 1st fotd so i'm rather (actually very!) nervous!! I've been lurking on Specktra for ages and seen all u beautiful girls with your wonderful makeup! And I'm slowly comming outta the woodwork! Comments and criticisms welcome! thanks you all for looking! ps shimmer, just wanna...
  6. salvador4dali

    Wedding makeup - confused!

    I'm going to my best friend's wedding in 3 weeks. I wanna gorgeous (obviously not upstaging the bride, which i couldn't do anyway coz she's beautiful!), partly coz my ex is going to be there and I wanna show him what he missed out on! (hahaha *evil laugh!* ). I'm indian and i'm wearing an...