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  1. Y

    Returning used/opened makeup

    I really hate going back to the store and returning makeup I've opened (but I've only done this with foundation if the color didn't match my skin tone) but if it's unopened then I don't really care. But my question is, does anyone know what happens to the stuff people return that's already been...
  2. Y

    MAC Blushes vs. NARS Blushes

    :confused::confused::confused: I'm not sure if this has been posted anywhere else, and if it has I couldn't find the thread, but I was wondering how MAC blushes compare to the coveted NARS blushes. I mean, I've read a ton of good reviews on MUA regarding NARS blushes but it seems like a lot of...
  3. Y

    Hi, I'm a newb.

    Hello ladies! I guess I'm semi-new here considering I've been lurking the forums for quite awhile now. I can't say that I am as MAC obsessed as some of y'all here so my collection is very minimal. Actually, to be honest... I don't really have a "collection" since I'm a newb to both Specktra...