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  1. procrastinator

    True red

    Can someone recommend me good "true red" lipsticks or lipglosses, department and drug store? This pic is probably the closest to my skin tone:
  2. procrastinator

    What makeup would go well with this dress?

    Hey, I was just wondering what makeup would look good with my prom dress - my skin isn't as dark as it came out in the picture, it's a bit lighter. Also, what color shoes would go well?
  3. procrastinator

    Death Cab for Cutie

    Does anyone else hear listen to them? I started listening to them a few years ago, and I loooove them, especially their CD "Transatlanticism." Some of their songs tend to be a bit sad, but they're not "emo" and they're written so beautifully. My favorites are "Title and Registration" and...
  4. procrastinator

    Paying for college =(

    I've been so frustrated lately about college...I'm a senior in high school and will be attending college next fall, but I'm so worried about how the fuck I'm going to pay for college. My family's not poor, but we're not rich, either. My parents make a decent income, but lately my dad's...
  5. procrastinator

    Long-distance relationships

    Anyone else in one? I hope this post doesn't go tooo long, but yeah...I recently started's been a little more than 2 weeks for me. My SO goes to boarding school in Connecticut, although his dad lives in NYC and his mom lives in NJ, which is where I live. It's pretty hard because he's...
  6. procrastinator

    Getting a haircut - how should I style it?

    My hair is really long - it's, like, down to my waist. It's becoming really annoying to manage, so I figured that I'd cut it tomorrow and donate it to Locks of Love (using the hair to make wigs for cancer victims). So it'll be a little below my shoulders. And I was thinking about putting in...
  7. procrastinator

    My it's-1:30 AM-and-I'm-avoiding-my-summer-assignment EOTN

    Hey, y'allllll - I don't really post too many looks, but I figured I'd take a chance and post one from a few days ago and one from tonight. I'm soo amazed at all the talent here, although it's almost a bit intimidating at times hehe :-* Well, here it goes (lots of pics) Dumb expressions...
  8. procrastinator

    Umm Jeanna can you magically appear here and do my makeup?! :P

    Haha random, I know, but I'm avoiding my summer work and perusing Specktra, once again...ahh, your makeup is always so perfect and amazing, and when I try to do it on my silly Asian eyes it ends up disastrous! So jealous :P
  9. procrastinator

    MAC Sharpener

    Does this sharpen the Powerpoints well? Because I like the Powerpoints a lot, but haven't been able to use them for a while because I can't sharpen them
  10. procrastinator

    2 FOTDs...

    I mixed Greensmoke and Humid and used them as liner Blue Peep fluidline on the top, Parfait Amour e/s on the bottom Constructive criticism would be appreciated =D
  11. procrastinator

    Simple...Parfait Amour as Liner

    This is, like, my 2nd EOTD...not very experienced with makeup, but since it's nice and springy out, I decided to make an attempt. Sorry for the bad quality of pics...and also you can't see the lining on the top because of my creaseless eyes hehe.