Search results

  1. labellarosa

    Salon screwed up my hair...they want me to go dark but I don't want to =( PIC I was trying to get my roots matched....I'm "trying" to grow out my natural hair color but right now I have 3 lines of demarcation. about 1/2 inch of roots, 3 inches of a reddish brown and dark blonde...
  2. labellarosa

    Happy 4th July 2009/silver

    MAC Layin Low Paint pot NYX Hollywood The Body Shop Silver Star NYX Alaska NYX Black Prestige Black eyeliner NYX doll eye mascara Cheeks: NYX Chocolate Moose Bonne Bell Golden Tan Maybelline Champagne Not my favorite look but I've been really into silvers and gray at the moment
  3. labellarosa

    Simple Sun

    EYES: Layin low paint pot phloof! Arena Femme Fi Swiss Chocolate Sketch Cheeks: Golden Nectar Smashbox Charm Lip gloss TBS Canberry
  4. labellarosa

    F & F MAC Sale (sorry pics are large) Chocolate Brown Pigment Violet Pigment
  5. labellarosa

    Is cosmotology school worth it??

    I would love to go to cosmetology school but I scared about finding a job. Cosmetology school is more expensive than some of the colleges here. I'm having trouble finding any job right now, let alone a job in the beauty industry. I don't know what's the better choice Community college or...
  6. labellarosa

    Bored and haven't went to bed 2am pics

    Couldn't sleep so I did my makeup!! Face: Almay foundation-Tan Revlon powder-light/medium NYC-Bronzer NYX blush in Swiss Chocolate Eyes: Revlon Colorstay Spring Moss quad MAC flourishing NYX Black Prestige Eyeliner Chocolate Revlon Mascara in Black/Brown Lips MAC Slimeshine...
  7. labellarosa

    NYX Goodies

    Took advantage of the anniversary sale
  8. labellarosa


  9. labellarosa

    Help??Darker or lighter????
