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  1. Ronnie Bombs

    Cutting the Crease??

    OK Ladies. Hate to sound stupid, but I keep reading lately about everyone trying to Cut their Crease for the first time. and well...I want to try too! I just dont know what it is haha! Thanks!
  2. Ronnie Bombs

    HELP! 1980s makeup?

    Hey we're having my birthday party this weekend at my house and the theme is "1985 Spring Fling" yes we're getting dressed up and everything!!! Well I was just wondering if you guys have any suggestions for makeup style?? I'm wearing mostly black and bright yellow with big big hair!!
  3. Ronnie Bombs

    Start of the Birthday hauls...

    Since the Bday is right around the corner i have started to get my bday presents (I told everyone I want MAC or gift cards to get it! Haha!) So this weekend I headed to Nordies with a couple of friends where I got the following. Gorgeous Gold e/s Beautiful Iris e/s Velvet Moss e/s Prrr...