Search results

  1. Ambular30

    Favorite Nars Blush for Pale-Skinned People!

    I AM SO PALE... I don't have a NARS counter nearby (or a Sephora ), so I need to order online... And I'm so afraid that colors are going to show up way too bright!! I have pretty pinkish undertones... and use a BE Fairly Light... Suggestions? Favorites?
  2. Ambular30

    Eyebrows for Redheads

    I NEED TO START DOING MY EYEBROWS! What's the best product for eyebrows for redheads/strawberry-blondes? I don't care if it's MAC, Smashbox, Clinique, whatever... It just seems like every eyebrow product out there shuns us carrottops :[
  3. Ambular30

    State College, PA

    I'm attending the Pennsylvania State University: University Park right now... can ANYONE tell me where's the closest MAC location? Store, counter, anything? Any news about one opening up nearby? A CCO perhaps?? I swear I don't think there's an entire MAC location in the entire state of PA
  4. Ambular30

    The difference between: Primers?

    What should I use as a primer/base? Actually, what's the difference between them? I am interested in knowing about: MAC Bare Canvas Paint Urban Decay Primer Potion and Smashbox photofinish primer ?