Whats your major?


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I'm always second guessing my chosen major. I ask myself is this worthwhile? Will it get me the job I want? Is it cost effective?

So, what did you major in and do you regret it or has it paid off?



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i majored in history (general- not teaching) and i was like 3 classes away from having an english lit minor. i absolutely love my major, but when i was a senior i found out that all the museums in my area, and most likely ALL museums, require you to have a masters degree before they'll hire you onto their staff. because i'm so much in debt from student loans and grants, i decided to hold off on going to grad school. i know i could have gone on and my pay period would have been pushed back because i was still in school, but i didn't want to be even more in debt when i got out, y'know?

i graduated may 2013 and so currently i've been working at ebay for the last year (i started there with the mindset that i'd pay off some loans then go to grad school), which obviously has absolutely nothing to do with my major. it kills me because i spent four years and so much time/money getting my b.a. to not even be using it. we had some major news at work last week and with that i decided that when a certain client's contract is up, i'm either going to go back to grad school or enroll into a esthetician program here because like everyone else here, makeup is another big passion of mine. honestly from over the course of the last year, i'll probably be doing the esthetician course because all this stuff regarding grad school/masters has really deterred me from wanting to do it :\ it doesn't help that i work mainly in the beauty department at work lol i'll always love history because it's so me and no other major really described me as well as that does, and i don't regret having done it as my major because it'll at least be something to fall back on too but i just wish i would have known about the museum stuff sooner.


Well-known member
I'm guessing major is what area my degree is in? (correct me if I'm wrong)

If that's what it is then, I'm currently studying towards a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Civil Engineering and will be going into my third year in September.
We can do placements and stuff during the first semester of this third year and I'm still waiting to hear back from a few places to see if I've been successful. If I do get one, then that should hopefully put me in a good place for getting a job in this field when I graduate.


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I graduated in 2012 and did Maths for my degree. Do I regret doing it? No, as I rly enjoyed it,uni made me more confident plus Ive met my future husband there ;) I work in a bank atm and you dont need a degree for my job... I am still young and might get a job related to my degree,but as i said I dont regret it :)
I majored in Psychological Counseling & obtained my M.A. in it. I loved the idea of psychology. What they don't tell you is that in the non-profit world you are essentially a baby-sitter and gopher. =( Now I'm 33 and trying to figure out something else to do because I hate my job! And the debt!!! LOL, I swear I don't remember spending that much!


I'm currently working on my bachelors in business with a focus on project management. It has paid of for me because I am already working in a field where it is applicable. Before I got this position, I always second guessed whether or not I picked the right major.


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I'm currently doing my degree in Midwifery - I start my final year next week. I feel this is definitely the right career choice for me, my only concern is finding a job - there is such a shortage of available midwifery jobs! 50% of my course is spent working in a hospital, so of course that gives me a slightly better chance of getting a job there but even after 3 years of working there I'll still have to go through the same job application process & interviews as anyone else applying. Fingers crossed!!


i'm majoring in occupational therapy. It's been a long process, and I'm only in my second year in the program but I love it so far. It's a lot of work but I'm hoping it will pay off.


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Gosh you ladies are seriously inspiring. So many powerful educated women! I finally pulled the trigger because I had to. I had to make the transition from community college to a 4 yr because I ran out of lower level courses to complete. I chose organizational leadership, which is pretty much a management degree, with some organizational psychology thrown in for good measure. I want to get a high paying job and in my field I dont think its possible without being in a management position. I feel like this will be a good program to lead me into graduate school. I'm still considering a law degree or an MBA.

Keep making it happen ladies! Best of luck to all of you in your educational pursuits!


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Double majoring in business admin and hospitality. I want to manage (and eventually own) a luxury spa resort.

I was a biochem major at first. After a year I couldn't do it anymore


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Dual associates in graphic design and web development and planning on getting my bachelors in marketing and advertising!


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Business Admin and when I transfer to a 4-year university I will be double majoring in Business & Travel. I used to be a biochem major but switched after a year.