How do you keep inventory on your mac?


Well-known member
how do you do it? do u keep a list? i wanna do mine i'm using microsoft excel but wanna know if theres a better way to do it.


Well-known member
i keep my eyeshadows through a list on microsoft excel. its so easy


Well-known member
I use Open Office's equivalent of Excel. My inventory has been getting quite a bit of updating in the past three days

I have my "wish list" on a separate spreadsheet and I rate things by a priority of 1 to 3. 1s I must get before I buy 2s and 3s.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by misslexuh
should i start keeping an inventory now?? how will it help me in the future??

It can help you in a number of ways: You can use it to plan future purchases. If the worst comes to the worst and your collection gets stolen or lost you can use it for insurance purposes. Insurers may not be inclined to believe your makeup collection is worth as much as you say it is but an inventory can back up a claim.

I use a spreadsheet for my wishlist so I can work out exactly how much things will cost and plan my spending within my budget.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by caffn8me

I have my "wish list" on a separate spreadsheet and I rate things by a priority of 1 to 3. 1s I must get before I buy 2s and 3s.

omg that's exactly what I do! great minds think alike! i love having a seperate wish list and listing items in order of priority.. it really saves me time wandering around the counter! I swear its soo easy to get distracted when you're shopping for MAC, but if I have my list with me, it'll keep me from getting side tracked and keep me from spending more than what I intend to!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angela
I swear its soo easy to get distracted when you're shopping for MAC, but if I have my list with me, it'll keep me from getting side tracked and keep me from spending more than what I intend to!

exactly! lol i always go to mac w/ a list. if i dont know i'll spend more than i have. haha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mel0622
so when u use excel its just basically a list?

My inventory spreadsheet has the following columns from left to right;
  • Total quantity of a particular product owned
  • Product type (e.g. 'Lipstick', 'Cream Colour Base', 'StudioFix')
  • Shade
  • Retail price
  • Retail price multiplied by total quantity owned
  • Quantity carried in my knapsack and traincase
  • Value of item carried in knapsack or traincase.
Everything is totalled up for my entire collection and that part of the collection which goes out on the road in my train case or knapsack when I'm doing makeup for other people. This means that at any time I know how much the retail replacement value of the knapsack and traincase would be in the event they got stolen. Because all the calculations are done by the spreadsheet it updates itself automatically when I add new items to my inventory. The total for just my knapsack comes to £1,883.53 at the moment - which works out at about $3,256. Knowing that makes me much more careful with it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by angela
omg that's exactly what I do! great minds think alike! i love having a seperate wish list and listing items in order of priority.. it really saves me time wandering around the counter! I swear its soo easy to get distracted when you're shopping for MAC, but if I have my list with me, it'll keep me from getting side tracked and keep me from spending more than what I intend to!

What I do is copy and paste from my wishlist into a brand new "shopping list" which just shows the items I want to buy that day and the price I expect to pay for them including discount. It's all totalled up and I print it out and hand it to the assistant. That way I'm much less likely to be distracted and end up with things which aren't really a priority or things I can't actually afford!

As time goes by I see the outstanding value of my priority 1 items going down steadily and I feel like I'm making real progress
My priority 1 list is currently at about £190 and it started at over £500. My priority 2 list has a value of £126 and my priority 3 list comes in at £335. Occasionally as I gain skills and experience I will reevaluate the priorities of items still outstanding and change them to match my actual needs more closely.


Well-known member
lol I'm so not fancy. I just keep a list on Word, with purchases for each month, where I got it [ie. Dillard's, online], and who paid for it [mom, Christmas present, etc.]. I keep a running total, sans taxes and just write it next to the final item on the list.

Julia Vanhorn

Well-known member
I do my inventory on Excel as well. First I would put them in three catagories: eyes, lips and face. Then I would break it down into the type of product that it is, for example: eyeshadows, paints, pigments, and eyeliners. For each catagory I would list all the items. Each item that I have I would have the shade name, texture of product, batch number (just to get an idea of how old the product is), if it is a limited edition, and the date that purchased it on.

I might go back and change it a little if I feel that I need more information on it.


Well-known member
I have a Palm and created a document in Memos titled "MAC". I have items listed by category, and then by color (Paints--Canton Candy, Untitled, Shimma, Mauvism. In the Lipstick category, I have the colors subdivided into Amplified, Frost, etc.) I also note in parentheses whether a shade is LE or d/c. At the bottom of this document I have a wish list with colors I'm interested in trying.

I can sync between my Palm, which is always with me, and my computer at main reason for doing it is to keep track of what I want and avoid buying colors that are too similar to shades I already have. (I get into trouble with pink shadows and red lipsticks.) I also like being able to "glance" at my collection!



Well-known member
I use Excel spreadsheet, and then I have Documents to Go .. for my Palm .. so if im out I have it to reference to... ( lol i'm a nut )

I have mine like this ..

Eyeshadow.. ** By Finish **

Brushes .. ** by if they are for eye, lip, face.. ect **

Lipstick .. by finish

and so on.. its all alphabetical ( of course )

If you need help setting it up let me know I would be happy to - just send me an email!


New member
Oh NO I don't need a list! That's all I need is somethig showing me how much I have!

I go through my m/u enough to know what I have. If I did do a list I would do it by category probably in excel or place it somewhere online.