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Saving your broken lipsticks


Well-known member
Ive always had the problem of my lipsticks breaking for some odd reason. its breaks half way when im done using it. my lipsticks have been laying around and i finally did something to it. sorry i have no pictures but this is a tutorial to melt your broken lipsticks into a lip gloss jar.

Empty lip gloss jar
broken lipstick
metal spoon


1)Remove all of the lipstick from the container onto a spoon
2)Have your empty lip gloss jar already opened ready to fill
3)Place the lighter beneath the metal spoon and light it long enough to have the lipstick melt all the way. (lipstick will turn into a liquid)
4)pour the melted lipstick into the empty lip gloss jar
5)Do not touch the jar afterwards. allow about 5-8 minutes for it to cool down and firm up.

and the result..... i used emphatic l/s and aloof l/s for these two. i already used my aloof one =] too excited


NOW YOU CAN TAKE YOUR EMPTIES FOR B2M!!!! =] Well im happy i can.


Well-known member
i think i may use some crappy lipsticks that i want to toss out and test this out =] i know i have jars just chillin' for no reason.
great idea!


Well-known member
You can also melt your lipsticks into pill containers (I use two-sided round ones from Sally's because they are nice and portable).


Well-known member
yeah you can. i recently just pigmented my burts bees lip conditioner and poured it back into the same container. so basically you can remove a lipstick and pour it back into the tube


Well-known member
Brilliant! The end product is so pretty as well! Normally I squish broken ones into pallets, which can get a bit messy. I can’t wait for another lipstick to break so I can try this.


This is such a great idea...i kind of just want to "accidently" break a lipstick just so i can test this idea out..hahaha....


Well-known member
Sweet! And if you're really desperate for a new lipstick, don't wait for them to break. Just do this anyway, and take the empties back. *is excited*


Well-known member
Sounds like a cool idea, my only concern would be the heating of the lipstick speeding up the "lifespan" of the product, so this would have to be something to try out on cheapie lipsticks first.


Well-known member
Sample jars from MAC work beautifully for this. Typically if you ask an MA for a few, he or she will give them to you - and mine puts label stickers on the bottom for me, too, so I have somewhere to write what it is!

I realise this sounds terrifying, but it's super easy and less messy: scoop the lipstick into the jar and put the open jar in your microwave. Watch it carefully to ensure nothing goes wrong, but after somewhere between 15 and 20 seconds the lipstick should be melted evenly and perfectly. I've done this to several brands of lipsticks and have had zero problems. I tried it first with the spoon over both flame and stove, and got impatient with the time and mess it involved. So... I risked the microwave and it works!

Hope this helps someone.