How to get VOLUME in the crown?


Well-known member
can anyone reccommend a good volumizing mouse?
Ive been using the one from VS which I love am just looking to see if there is anything better out there, thanks!
Teasing is the easiest way in my opinion. You can also get the XL rollers and use about 3 in the crown area. That will give you loads of volume. I would also invest in a root lifter like Root Booster by Tigi. I use it an it works really good. I have the flat hair problem too....


Well-known member
I am so scared to leave my hair in a round brush....too many times I have thought I had to cut it out because it got so tangled. Velcro rollers with a clip to hold it is cheap and safe! Well good for dummies like me.

Yep, just as MissChievous said, it has to be a high-quality, extra large round brush with many soft bristles (actually very similar to the texture of a velcro roller). The plastic-bristled ones are awful and will definitely tangle your hair.