Juicy Couture Bags- Just for Preteens?


Well-known member
Let me preface this thread by saying I am in no way talking down about the brand, nor am I judging it (in fact i like juicy) But is it me, or has Juicy become the official brand of 12 yr old girls in manhattan. Every other young girl is walking around with Juicy which in my mind gives it an association with the young. this brings me to my next point.

I am 22, going on 23 in 2 weeks. When my bf asked me what I wanted for my bday I thought, hmmm- maybe a bag?

So i went into Bloomingdale's to have a look but absolutely nothing was catching my eye. LV, Chanel, Fendi, Coach, Marc Jacobs, Chloe, nothing was good. Saw a gorgeous back at Burberry but it was 1625 before tax. That just isnt worth it at this point in my life.

Then I wandered in to the Juicy section and saw this Juicy Couture 'Link Tycoon' Bowler Handbag - - Nordstrom
which i really like in black
and was definitely intrigued, but I just can't get over the stigma that Juicy is only worn by the younger girls. I want a status bag, one thats a bit more grown up, but i just don't like any of the classics, they are all so boring and plain.

So am i right in feeling this way? Are juicy bags for the younger crowds or am I being silly? Should I cave in and ask my bf for the juicy bag, or should i just leave it be?

Help please?


Well-known member
Maybe things are different in Texas, but I don't associate Juicy Couture with younger people... I know a few highschool girls with Juicy Couture purses, but the majority of people I see with them are college aged-30.

I have one and I'm 22... Join the club!


Well-known member
in high school a lot of the kiddies were sporting juicy and i started seeing the elementary kids carrying them around too when i was in vancouver. i can see what u mean by associating it with really young kids with too much money lol but their bags all had a certain style. if u find a style thats right for you, the brand shouldnt decide whether its right for you. its definitely a personal style thing. juicy also makes some very sophisticated purses that kiddies wouldnt look right with.


Well-known member
Dang, how ridiculous in my opinion, that girls so young are carrying Juicy Couture! I haven't seen that around here, I'm in podunk land, haha. I'm 19 and only have one designer bag (Chanel) that I got as a gift. But I, too, am definitely intrigued by Juicy bags, they're awfully cute. And I really like that one you picked out, I'd say go for it, it totally looks more grown up than a lot of the others. :]


Well-known member
I can see where you may associate Juicy Couture with teenagers or the younger crowd since many of the styles Juicy comes out with are bright neon green and pink and a bit 'pre-teen'. But Juicy Couture offers some great selections that are more mature, kind of like the bag you picked out. In general, Juicy Couture is aimed at 20 year old's but some of their merchandise is a little bit pop-ish. Sometimes too pop-ish, but I think it's done intentionally. It's supposed to be a fun designer brand and I don't think Juicy should be associated with teens, though maybe a certain style purse or outfit may fit their look.


Well-known member
I have a Juicy Couture bag & I'm 22, I love how girly and fun Juicy Couture is. Not to sound like a cliche but we are only young once so why not indulge?? I don't see too many pre-teen girls here in Texas with Juicy Couture, mostly older high school & college aged girls have it. The pre-teens here have the coach handbags that match their mommy's......


Well-known member
This is weird cos the past couple of weeks, I have been considering getting a Juicy Couture bag but I'm hesitating cos it may be too trendy-looking for my age (I'm in my late 20s). Krasevaydancer, you read my mind lol. I usually wear understated and casual clothing and would like my bag or shoes to be my statement piece but I don't know what kind of statement a JC bag would be for my age. I also have a Tokidoki LeSport Sac bag that I don't use because it may not be appropriate for my age too.


Well-known member
Well I love Juicy, especially the daydreamer. But recently when my husband told me he was going to buy me a purse. I told him Juicy and he said that it didn't seem sophisticated, like it looked like it was for younger girls. I am about to be 24. He told me to think of it like this. If I walked into a professional place looking for a job. Would I wan't I want them to look at my Juicy and think of me as less sophisticated. Of course not I thought and went for a coach carly. Which I wanted more than the Juicy but didn't want to ask for. But I still love Juicy!


Active member
hm.. i think it depends which juicy bag you get. my bf recently bought me the daydreamer in black and i'm 21 and use it as my bookbag for school. however i can see 14 year olds carrying them b/c some are so brightly colored. but to be honest, it doesn't matter what brand it is, some parent out there is going to buy their kid a designer bag no matter how old they are. i personally think its so parents can show off. like i saw some 8 year old the other day carrying a lv purse.. seriously? you're 8. wth do u need to carry with you?


Well-known member
you see those really rich preteens with miniature dior bags, it doesnt mean that they are targeted only for that agegroup
i love my juicy and so does my mom lol
nice bag btw


Well-known member
I would definitely hesitate if this was going to be the "main" bag. I am a purse freak so I am not limited, as far as what I'm wearing. The age thing, though....some styles/colors are more passable than others. The black Daydreamer is more subdued than most of the other Juicy bags I've seen.


Well-known member
I'm in my late 20's and my style is my style. Claim yours! Seems like once we hit a certain age, we aren't allowed to sport the cute girlie-girl stuff. F* that! Victorias Secret wasn't started for teens and neither was their PINK line! My husband and I LOVE that line! I have a couple tokidoki bags I carry that always get compliments from older women! I'm a total Juicy girl too and I just LOVE their cute stuff! I'm not about to shy away from what I like because some teenybopper is sporting it.


Well-known member
To be honest ive never saw any young girl wear juicy, ive saw girls aroung my age group (18) and older wearing the brand. I dont think its a preteen brand at all, for 1 its expensive, 2 its still designer but more fun in my opinion... i see celebs with juicy all the time!!
I only own a few things like jewelry, flipflops, bikini and a lil traincase thing and i honestly couldnt see a young girl spending about £150 on a bikini... unless they are super rich


Well-known member
I'm sorry if this offends anyone but here it goes:

When I think of the Juicy brand, all I can think of are those horrid velour tracksuits that made them popular in the first place. Those velour tracksuits were copied by all the mall brands and were seen on every preteen princess with all manner of silly things written across the ass. Not only do they scream of poor taste, but also of unintelligence or ditzyness (due to the likes of celebretards like Paris Hilton).

I just feel that their brand equity is lost, similarly to the way burberry has suffered due to the "chav" situation in the UK.

I agree with the poster above who said that they wouldn't wear this brand to a job interview and the other poster who said it doesn't come off as sophisticated.

Yes, your own style is up to you to define, and your age shouldn't limit you etc etc. This is true in a perfect non-judgemental world, however in reality there are parameters. For the same reason we don't go to an office job in a bikini. That is a more obvious example. We live in a world where other people's perceptions of us are shaped by our appearances. And to me, Juicy Couture brand items do not give me a good impression. Sorry, thats just me being judgemental.


Well-known member
WOW. Sure, you wouldn't wear a bag like that to a job interview (depending on the job you're going for) but it's a bag, not a tattoo on your forehead. You could easily switch bags, apply for a job and still be your bubbly self in the end. If a person looked at my bags and assumed anything about me, God help them. They would probably be wrong 9 times out of 10.


Well-known member
I think the bags that distinctively yell "Juicy Couture!!!" in green letters on a furry pink bag scream young girl. But the one you chose is a nice grown up bag.


Well-known member
I don't think Juicy is just for preteens. It's actually for all ages nowadays. I think Juicy evolved into a mommy and me type brand and now "dress the whole family"..daddy, mommy, kid and dog. Sure some of the color combos can be questionable but like others have said, they do design some conservative pieces and it's really up to personal style. Juicy is a very playful, girly line and it plays it up to the max. It's all about fun! The bag you picked out is gorgeous. It's a classic shape bag with great accents. I say go for it

I mean if you really think about it...we're all makeup lovers...going for the radioactive greens or seductive reds...anything colorful and fun...why should it stop with our makeup?