1st time paint pot?


Well-known member
I'm a paint pot virgin!
Yes. So I was wondering which you would recommend as a first time buy. I want something that is neutral and pretty, so it can be worn on it's own, but also good as a base colour.

I was looking at Rubenesque, Painterly, Bare Study. That kinda thing.
Thanks guys


Well-known member
My favorite paintpot is Perky that came out with the Fafi collection I use it everday as a base but I'm not sure if it's a LE one.


Well-known member
I use Bare Study as a base all the time for neutral looks. It's a frosty nude color and I love it for my lazy days when I don't want to wear a lot of eye makeup.


Well-known member
I like using bare study and painterly, depending on what look I want that day. Bare study is beautiful on its own!


Well-known member
painterly works great with everything

but as a pretty use-alone color, i'd suggest rubenesque or indianwood


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tahti
Painterly! I love Blackground also but I suppose that's for darker looks..

Yes, I was going to try out Blackground aswell, because I usually do darker looks when I'm going out on the weekend.

Girl about town

Well-known member
i think essential paint pots are painterly and also blackground. Painterly is great for a base for anything, Blackground is perfect for darker looks.
Bare study is lovely too on its own!!!


Well-known member
My first paint pot was blackground. For neutral looks I tend to just stay with primer a use a base eyeshadow. But for darker looks, I always use blackground to help the e/s stay and make them pop.


Well-known member
It really depends if you want a shimmery or a more matte base. If you want shimmery, I'd go with Bare Study, if you want matte then I'd choose Soft Ochre or Painterly.


Well-known member
I loooove Perky...I don't think it's L/E, cuz I'm pretty sure I bought it when the paint pots were first introduced...anyway, it's a really great base, and looks really pretty by itself. I slap some of that on with some mascara when I'm feeling lazy, and still somehow get compliments on my eyes...I chalk it up to the awesome power of Perky. Hehehe.


Well-known member
Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly! Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly! Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!Painterly! Painterly!Painterly!Painterly!


Well-known member
I love Painterly, Bare Study, and Indianwood. I wouldn't wear Painterly on it's own but I could see myself wearing Bare Study and Indianwood alone.