Another forumanother forumanother forum?

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Well-known member
"...another forumanother forumanother forum..."

I have seen this phrase used in the Flashtronic thread, as well as the Matte2/Mattene Color Story.

So uh... what does it mean, because I can't figure it out. All I can think of is "Brother fromanother fromanother fromanother mother"



Well-known member
Yeah, I'm seeing this too, and I'm guessing it's some sort of glitch. I hope it gets fixed soon, because it trips me up whenever I read it. Brother from anotherfromanother mother, eh? Now that is funny. Made me lol


Well-known member
Yeah Ive seen that a few times on the forum too... I thought it was like a new slang that makes no sense lol!


Well-known member
I've seen this on myspace too actually.. in the MB's group. must be some sort of glitch? makeup group glitch? lol...


Well-known member
I've seen an increase in other forums posting links to their board, their links have been replaced with the term "another forum". Why it's repeating itself over and over, I don't know, other than there is more than once instance of the link or phrase.

Originally Posted by lemurian
Maybe someone is outing Specktra for lifting their info from another forum :p

Are you kidding me? Most other places (non press/PR) lift their info from Specktra, not the other way around. Some credit, most don't. I find this comment insulting, you're dishonoring MY integrity and I don't appreciate it in the least. :spy:


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Janice
I've seen an increase in other forums posting links to their board, their links have been replaced with the term "another forum". Why it's repeating itself over and over, I don't know, other than there is more than once instance of the link or phrase.

That's what I thought it might be, but didn't want to guess.
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