Any NC30's around?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
So I visit the WOC section o Specktra a lot. It’s pretty informative as there is a lot of information for women of colour. However, there are not too many ppl posting that are around my skintone (NC30 most of the year). What looks good on an NC40+ doesn’t necessarily look good on me. So I thought I start this thread. To all the ladies (and gents) out there in this skin range, what are you favourite shades especially:

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone)
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer
3.Peach blush
4.Red lipstick
5.Nude lipstick
6.Pink lipstick
7. Plum lipstick

Most of the products I have are LE stuff so I thought this thread could help me find new favourites that won't be going away
If there are more favourites you want to share, plz go ahead


New member
I'm an nc 35 sff.
1. I use some neutral eyeshadows that were limited edition from estee lauder, sorry I can't help with this one.
2.To contour I've used successfully a maybelline bronzer in sunlight, I love it because it isn't orangey at all.
3. Peach blush: springsheen from mac (gorgeous), and for a bronze peach sunbasque
4. Red lipstick: Estee Lauder's signature red
5. Nude lipstick: Hue, Hug me, Vanity's Child (LE), 3n (LE) all mac's
6. Angel all the way!, also revlon's rosedew for a more warmed up pink
7. Plumdandy (mac's)

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
^^ I love 3N too but that's an LE so maybe I should try Hug me?

lol, it looks like there only two of us in the NC30 range in this thread


New member
I'm NC 25-30. I use Blanc Type for eyeshadow base (beige-y white). I'm also using A28 Julibee Lusture as nude lipstick.



Well-known member
NC35 (sometimes NC40) but thought I'd answer anyway- answers in green:
1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone)
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer - I use Prestige, the one with the big pan and a shimmery sun in the middle

3.Peach blush - MAC Melba!
4.Red lipstick - can't help out here, I'm looking for this too! But Viva Glam looks like a pretty good option!
5.Nude lipstick - I can only suggest the Viva Glam V lipglass... I will be buying the l/s soon!
6.Pink lipstick - MAC Twig
7. Plum lipstick



Well-known member
Hi Shadowlady,

Do they have to be only MAC products?

1.Neutral e/s I use Bobbi Brown for my neutrals like Bone & Naked
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer Urban Decay's Baked Bronzer Toasted
3.Peach blush MAC's Cheek, Becca's Beach Tint in Peach
4.Red lipstick Chanel's Rouge Hyrdabase Lune Rousse
5.Nude lipstick MAC's Hug Me
6.Pink lipstick MAC's Syrup, Quietone
7. Plum lipstick Mac's Capricious


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shadowy Lady
So I visit the WOC section o Specktra a lot. It’s pretty informative as there is a lot of information for women of colour. However, there are not too many ppl posting that are around my skintone (NC30 most of the year). What looks good on an NC40+ doesn’t necessarily look good on me. So I thought I start this thread. To all the ladies (and gents) out there in this skin range, what are you favourite shades especially:

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone)
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer
3.Peach blush
4.Red lipstick
5.Nude lipstick
6.Pink lipstick
7. Plum lipstick

Most of the products I have are LE stuff so I thought this thread could help me find new favourites that won't be going away
If there are more favourites you want to share, plz go ahead

NC 30 in da house!!!
I consider us lucky, because we can pretty much wear anything! With that being said, here are my favorites:

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone): Ricepaper and Blanc Type
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer: Tantone applied very lightly.
3.Peach blush: Peachykeen, Peaches (looks great on us!)
4.Red lipstick: Any. MAC RED for a bright blue red. Russian Red for a classic red. Dubonnet for that deep sultry, brick red. I think we're lucky in this category. Brick is obviously the go to lipliner for this one.
5.Nude lipstick: I found what suits us is all in the lipliner. I love Stripdown with any nude lipstick. Blankety is my favorite.
I would say avoid anything with too much gray. Us NC's don't take grey-ish lippies well. Fresh Brew looks like death on me.
6.Pink lipstick: Pink Treat lipliner with Fabby lipstick. Lustering lipstick for pink-coral lip
7. Plum lipstick: New York Apple, Dark Side, Sophisto


Well-known member
I'm NC37

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone): Ricepaper and Wedge
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer: No idea...I need help with this one. I've tried MSFN in Dark but I think it looks too orange

3.Peach blush: Eversun
4.Red lipstick: I don't have any
5.Nude lipstick: Not sure about this one either.
6.Pink lipstick: Hug me or Viva glam V
7. Plum lipstick: No idea. I don't own very many lipsticks

Sorry...I probably wasn't that much help but I love hearing for all you girls!


Well-known member
i use NC30 in the summertime.

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone) - ricepaper is amazing to highlight, if you want a darker shade for crease color, cork works great with ricepaper. i use these colors all the time in the summer.

2.Blush used to contour/bronzer - i pretty much always only use blunt to contour, harmony's great too but i don't personally own this, i just know people who have similar skintone and use it.

3.Peach blush - buff and melba!! cubic!

4.Red lipstick - can't really help you there, i don't rock red lips EVER

5.Nude lipstick - KINDA SEXY. HIGH TEA.

6.Pink lipstick - faux

7. Plum lipstick - depends how plum you want, i've done used 'fluid' on a girl once before, nc30, and she loved it.. i've never worn anything like this myself, though

glassy girl

Well-known member
Originally Posted by GreekChick
NC 30 in da house!!!
I consider us lucky, because we can pretty much wear anything! With that being said, here are my favorites:

1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone): Ricepaper and Blanc Type
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer: Tantone applied very lightly.
3.Peach blush: Peachykeen, Peaches (looks great on us!)
4.Red lipstick: Any. MAC RED for a bright blue red. Russian Red for a classic red. Dubonnet for that deep sultry, brick red. I think we're lucky in this category. Brick is obviously the go to lipliner for this one.
5.Nude lipstick: I found what suits us is all in the lipliner. I love Stripdown with any nude lipstick. Blankety is my favorite.
I would say avoid anything with too much gray. Us NC's don't take grey-ish lippies well. Fresh Brew looks like death on me.
6.Pink lipstick: Pink Treat lipliner with Fabby lipstick. Lustering lipstick for pink-coral lip
7. Plum lipstick: New York Apple, Dark Side, Sophisto

Thank u i feel i can were anything sometimes hot pink lips scare me but thats just me. I know lots of nc30 who can rock it so i say any and all colors look FAB!


Well-known member
1.Neutral e/s (something close to your skin tone): brule or ricepaper
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer: harmony even prism sometimes
3.Peach blush: peaches or peachykeen
4.Red lipstick: red, she said (LE) or russian red
5.Nude lipstick: blankety, creme d' nude
6.Pink lipstick: don't use pinky lipstick lol
7. Plum lipstick: dark side


Well-known member
I'm pretty cheap and I've found that I can make my NC30 foundation last all year long if I use a lighter powder in the winter and lightly use bronzer in the summer. It's great ;D

Neutral looks:
-eyeshadows: Ricepaper and Nylon for highlight, I really like the yellow undertones in Ricepaper, they go well with NC30 skin I think. Woodwinked and Cork. Woodwinked looks amazing, like my skin but slightly darker and SHIMMERY
And I think we can rock any brown as long as it's not too "warm", with that I mean red. I've had lots of troubles with beautyburst for example.

-lipsticks: High Tea is the only neutral shade from MAC that has worked for me so far... the rest just makes me look like DEATH.

And yeah... I pretty much only do neutrals so... :p

BUT; I really really recommend you checking out Trace Gold as a blush, it's my HG summerblush. It blends in perfectly with my skin, it doesn't look brown like it can do on paler girls, and you get this amazing sexy golden rose glow. I love Trace Gold, I'm on my second pan

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
thanks for all the suggestions guys
I agree on the fact that we can wear almost any colour. For me personally as long as the colours don't have yellow tones, they work!
It looks like I need Blanc Type e/s for sure


Well-known member
Thank you so much for starting this thread!
1.Neutral e/s - I haven't quite figured this one out yet, but am starting to think I need blanc type
2.Blush used to contour/bronzer - Blunt or Harmony, even Buff sometimes
3.Peach blush - Peachykeen, most blushes look pretty good on our skintone I'd say. I'm currently in love with gingerly and eversun
4.Red lipstick - haven't tried a red lippie yet
5.Nude lipstick - Bare slimshine
6.Pink lipstick - the only pink lipstick I have is Melrose Mood, it's pretty but I usually need to tone it down
7. Plum lipstick - never tried


Well-known member
Hi there, I'm an NC30 also and am barely starting to get into mac products. I currently only have the foundation and a mineralize skinfinish and I agree that this thread is great. It would really give me a direction in which products would work with my skin tone. I recently bought nars deep throat and while the color is very pretty I'm not really sure I like it. Anyone on here who would have a recommendation for a sutable nars blush?

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
Originally Posted by rimberry
Hi there, I'm an NC30 also and am barely starting to get into mac products. I currently only have the foundation and a mineralize skinfinish and I agree that this thread is great. It would really give me a direction in which products would work with my skin tone. I recently bought nars deep throat and while the color is very pretty I'm not really sure I like it. Anyone on here who would have a recommendation for a sutable nars blush?

I have only two NARS blushes, Deep Throat and Sin. I like them both a lot but I definitely prefer Sin as I think it's a very unique colour, kinda plummy with gold flecks.
Most of my blushes are MAC and the ones are use the most are Stark Naked (I love pink cheeks) and Eversun which works as a bronzer on me.

Thank you for all the recommendations girls, keep them coming


Well-known member
Great thread!

1.Neutral e/s - Grain

2.Blush used to contour/bronzer - Sculpting powder in Shadester
3.Peach blush - Dainty or Margin
4.Red lipstick - Never wear it. I love Russian Red lipglass when I'm feeling brave!
5.Nude lipstick - Freckletone
6.Pink lipstick - Angel or Lovelorn
7. Plum lipstick - Plum Dandy


Well-known member
NC35 here!

1.Neutral e/s - NARS Blondie

2.Blush used to contour/bronzer - NARS Casino
3.Peach blush - MAC Peaches
4.Red lipstick - MAC Dubonnet
5.Nude lipstick - MAC Hug Me
6.Pink lipstick - MAC Lovelorn, Chanel Rouge Allure in #42 (Admirable) *LOVE*
7. Plum lipstick - MAC Rebel (I guess it's a sort of plum!)


Well-known member
Hello, Im and NC30,from what I know lol,,
I use the Sheer Select so yup,don't know if that affects anything, I kinda do think in a way it does.
But I would like to see what products are used, Im also new to MAC.