Any of you girls 18-ish and younger?


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Originally Posted by _ohmygosh
I'm 18 and I work two casual jobs and also recieving "money for studying".. most of the pay goes straight towards "expensive" fashionable items, food, weekends, presents (always someones birthday urgh), weekends (haha i'm mentioning it twice because it's mostly my cause for being broke), phone bills i owe from a couple months back, gym memberships, petrol and other misc. things,,, so usually I don't have any money!

My parents usually give me money for make-up but only if it's like foundation, a couple of eyeshadows or new collections and my mum always gives into me when I need money for clothes (last one on the rack and sales), shoes, food, taxi ride home. Sometimes mum and dad also pays for my petrol when they feel sorry for me?

That made me sound like a spoilt brat
, Urgh, I'm not!


Well-known member
I'm 17 (18 in a few months) and I get an allowance which I can use on whatever I want. Necessities such as food and basic clothing (socks, underwear) are paid for by my parents. Some weeks, it might be a few novels. Other times, it'd be MAC.


Well-known member
im 17 and i have a part time job at a gym that covers my gas/food nights out, but i also sell hair extensions online and i use all the extra money i gain from that on things for myself like makeup, accesories, etc.


Well-known member
I'm 17. I tend to fund my obsession with my work-study job at my college, and the saving of many an allowance. It helps that my boyfriends mother is a MAC artist too =P My family tends to support my addiction on my birthday/Christmas and for Valentines day my boyfriend bought me a lippie and a quad from the Fafi collection ^_^ Gotta love having family that support your addiction.


Well-known member
I turned 18 a few months ago, but I've had my job since I turned 16. Since then my parents haven't really put out much money for me, besides food.
I don't buy a lot and I save like crazy.

The only person I really talk to about makeup is my boyfriend, haha. I don't have any friends who are into makeup.


Well-known member
I recently turned 17 and I paid for MAC with birthday money and with my allowance. It really isn't an "allowance" it's more like a "thank you for going to school"-thing since I get the money from the government or however you put it >.> Here, everyone that goes to high school gets 150$ a month and that's what I used to pay for things for myself. I recently got a part time job and I'm just hoping that with the added money I'm going to get, that I won't waste it all on mac lol

About m obsession... most people in my school know I like makeup, because I always come to school "made up". But no one has seen my collection I bet if they did, they'd think I was insane lol


Well-known member
I'm seventeen (eighteen on July 1st, Canada Day
), and I have no idea how I fund my collection. I blow at least a hundred dollars every two weeks. I have had a part time job since I was fifteen, and briefly did a paper route (never again). I don't get allowance, and I pay for things like driver's insurance, clothing, application and grad fees, etc, myself. Everytime I go to the MAC store, I think, there's another hundred out of the ol' college fund. I've been lucky enough to receive four major scholarships so far, so I'm not too bothered.. My friends all think I'm insane, which is why I come to Specktra to be with my "people." :p


Well-known member
I'm 16 and I buy my makeup with my allowance money. Fortunately i don't have things like bills and stuff to pay, so i can just use my allowance for whatever i choose...i don't buy makeup too often, but when i do i get a lot of it at a time.
With my friends i don't think they rly view my makeup as an obsession they just notice that i can apply it better than the average teenager. lol Plus my collection isn't outrageously huge so it's no big deal to other people... at the moment.


im 15 and i have a job but im trying to save most of the money i make from my job so instead i put all of my change into a jar and whenever something i want appears at the mac store i count my change youd be surprised at how much it adds up


Well-known member
im 17, and i have a mac obsession,
i dont rly have the money to go out and blow on it tho =/

so once a month i try to get something in the makeup line.

i have a plain makeup obsession tho
anything works for me.

my friends dont rly mind it.


Well-known member
Beleve it or not i got kicked out of my schools spanish club (i was vice president) for buying what these silly and mean girls considered "way too expensive makeup" and its not like i was showing off they were going through my makeup bag!! oh well they were just jealous im 18 and I am not ashamed to say i love mac and no one as long as i am working for my money will stop me from buying what i want which is obviously mac!! BtW my friends dont understand why i am obsessed with mac but specktra and my mom do!! im happy with that!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by esmeralda89
Beleve it or not i got kicked out of my schools spanish club (i was vice president) for buying what these silly and mean girls considered "way too expensive makeup" and its not like i was showing off they were going through my makeup bag!!

What the heck? How can they kick you out for owning make-up? That's the most absurd thing! You may want to go talk to a school admin about this because that is very unjust.

I'm 17 and just got into buying make-up last December and it has grown alot which is both a good thing and bad thing. My parents have never offered to buy me MU but I've never really asked either. Generally I work every summer and I do have somewhat of a part-time job. In that sense I mean I only work Saturdays and I get roughly $60 for the day. So that's pretty much how I get money for beauty products.

I'm sure we know MAC, Sephora, & other high-end products are expensive! Therefore if you have permisssion from your parents, I would suggest getting paypal and buying/swapping items from communities. I actually regret buying alot of MU because I would see them online for about half the cost! Everything is so convenient online as well. I love MAC paint pots & pigments but I know I'll never be able to use all of one product in my lifetime! However at the store you're required to buy the full product which is pricey. Fortunately online, you can buy pigment/paintpot/fluidline samples for a fraction of the cost which I think is pretty great! Haha moral of the story is that if you're allowed - check out online deals before splurging at the store.

For those who can't or aren't allowed to get a job, try doing a few extra chores around the house. Offer to mow the lawn for neighbours. Or even hold a garage sale! There are alot of odd-end jobs here and there


Well-known member
Originally Posted by heartsarebound
What the heck? How can they kick you out for owning make-up? That's the most absurd thing! You may want to go talk to a school admin about this because that is very unjust.

Well they said i could stay and be the person who ran errands basicaly to be treated like a doormat and no way was i going to stay after being the vice president but that club was awful after lots of the people left the club got out because of the same probs. Oh well I guess you cant please every one, but hey there are people who totally unerstand me. *Tip* save your leftover change all of it you will be surprised by how much it adds up to meaning more mac makeup!!


Well-known member
Im 18. Im still at school. I get allowance from my parents- its 250$ a month. I buy my own clothes, makeup, food and stuff like magazines and cd's. my parents pay only the rent for me. in the middle of the month im broke cos i spent all my money on mac.
.. xx


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Umm.. I get money off my parents, I once had a job at Maccas, I once won $1000 off Paypal and I usually have money in my bank account for online purchases


Well-known member
I just turned 16.. My mom mostly gives me money, but I never get very much so I have to save for whatever I want.
I really really want a job to help out my mom and have a bit of money for myself, but I'm not very hopeful that I'll get a job some time soon. :/ blah being young and broke sucks!


Well-known member
I'll be 18 in 4 months (yay), and I've been working since I was 16! I don't spend that much of my money on makeup but I wish I did because my money goes towards other thing that I can't even show for .. it just disappears. I think I spend a lot of my money on food :/ ugh !

Some of my friends buy MAC products but they think it's really expensive and unnecessary. My friends don't understand but thankfully my boyfriend does
.He understands my obsession and will listen to me talk about my haul and how excited I am for an upcoming collection or sale, he's great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LeeanneMarie
If so, how do you guys fund your MAC obsession? I have an allowance, and I'm supposed to use it for food, nights out (like movies and stuff), clothes, pretty much everything, but lately I've been using it all on MAC.

I'm just wondering if there are many other girls on this board around my age (I'm 17).

Also, how do your friends view your obsession? I feel like no one understands me because none of my friends are really that into makeup. And it gets frustrating but then I come to Specktra and I feel a bit better, haha!

Oh Honey, trust me! I know EXACTLY how you feel! That is the exact reason when i found Specktra i was jumping for joy!!
Because i seriously feel like no one understands me when it comes to my make-up hobby
my boyfriend just rolls his eyes lol and my parents laugh at me and say, "now don't you go and spend all of your paycheck at Sephora and MAC!" But now that i've gotten older and have my car and everything and have a boyfriend who lives in another state, my money has started to go more to plane tickets and gas for the car
but i ALWAYS still find a way to get myself a little sweet gift here and there

Hannah <><


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
i turned 18 on new years eve! woo lol
anyway i dont have a job.. i hate working the only place i would love to work is at a makeup counter but im applying for Estee Lauder once ive passed my driving test next week [well i hope i pass! :|] and theres jobs going there and you dont need experience or makeup school as long as you know the basics of makeup etc.
everytime a new mac collection comes out my boyfriend spends at LEAST £120 [$240] on mac for me.. basically we go to Newcastle to the mac counter.. i pick out everything i want.. he pays.. i guess im just very lucky lol i love it! i never pay for anything and people might think im shallow or something but thats just my boyfriend for ya.. he pays for EVERYTHING and when i had a job during xmas i quit because i could make more money from my boyfriend by sitting on my ass lol

Dang girl, that's just not even FAIR!!! I want my BF to do that for me
lol he's totally the "thrifty, save your money for more important things" type of guy. Ugh lol

Hannah <><