Being festive


Well-known member
I love Christmas, I love it in majorly dorky ways. I went to Target the other day to buy some decorations and I swear I squealed like a four year old at Disney Land. My roomate almost fell down laughing at me because I get so overly excited for these things. I'm the same way for Halloween. I had Halloween lights up and was in like this constant war with my neighbors to out-do each other's Halloween lights.
When it comes to holiday lights I'm Clark Griswald from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation." There is no such thing as too many.
I feel like I'm the only one that is so into all of this stuff though, is it true, is the world full of a bunch of scrooges? Am I the only one left?
I put up my Christmas lights and yea they aren't that great. In my opinion it kind of looks like something green took a crap on my house but I did what I could for a short person! My neighbors of course could land planes on their lawn though because they have purchased every moving raindear, tree, candy cane and giant noel sign they could get their hands on. I never even see the people, it's as if they don't exist but all of a sudden on thanksgiving their house can be seen from space... yes I'm up-set that their ligths are better than mine haha :notworthy:
My poor boyfriend is not into any of this stuff at all but he is sweet enough to fein interest and smile and look at the decorations I put up.
So is it true... am I the only one still in love with Christmas?


Well-known member
It always ends up looing like Mardi Gras when I decorate my room (...cause I like Mardi Gras better than Christmas
) ...But it's always nice to see somebody enjoying something! Have fun and dont let unfestive (is there such an word?!) people ruin your christmas!


Well-known member
finally!!! someone who appreciates Christmas as much as I do! I get super excited when I see Christmas lights the day after thanksgiving "Lets drive by and see it !!!"
My boyfriend is even more into Christmas decorating than I am.He used to massively decorate his house every year, and they would even drive by on the "Christmas light tour" (its a small town, instead of a bus they have a Trolley that goes thru town, and every year they do this thing where the trolley cruises by the light houses, and they give out awards He won one year!) heres a picture


Well-known member
HOLY CRAP MxAxC-Attack (no that wasnt supposed to rhyme) do they do that ever year?! I'm too broke to so something like that...but I like it!!


Well-known member
recently i haven't been to in to christmas... and neither was my SO. i used to love christmas when i was a teenager, but for the past 4 years it's just not been exciting.
i think it's because every year my mother tries to make me stay over at her house. she refuses to accept the fact that i live just 45mins away and i prefer my own bed at night.

this year, my SO got all crazy festive on me. we bought a new tree, all new deocrations and extra decorations to go around the house (not just on the tree). my favourite is our snobby reindeer... it sits there with it's little nose in the air


Well-known member
I love it! I will never lose that kid in me that gets excited at 12am because it is officially Christmas. I love to do the tour through neighborhoods and look at lights (hopefully soon I'll have my own to put up in my own house). I've even planned a trip to Disney as my family's Christmas gift. We're going to the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Parade!!! I'm usually the one that's running around and jumping up and down on that day, even if I get a cardboard box (I honestly played with that and not the toy at age 3, lol). But no, you are not alone. I love Christmas! Especially the REAL reason we have it.


Well-known member
ditto! HUGE christmas lover here! me = martha stweart christmas queen! my entire house gets decorated on thanksgiving day
it's always been my most favorite time of year


Well-known member
Yay, I'm excited to hear that other people still love this time of year

MxAxC-_ATTACK your boyfriend's house looked awesome!


Well-known member
People are bahumbugging on my parade! My family can't go to Disney.
I'm still going to keep the Spirit alive!


Well-known member
You're definitely not alone. I love this time of year. I love the weather, the smell in the air, the decorations... When I was little, my dad used to drive me all around the city, looking at the Xmas lights. I wanna do that with my daughter now, since she really loves the lights.

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
MxAxC-Attack your pic is amazing! you could print it off and make it into christmas cards for your friends and family!

I'm such a christmas lover! heck i believed in Santa til i was 14 (am 16 now), and lol i still believe in him despite the fact that he's a legendary figure, i just love xmas overall and i buy new decorations each year!

I'm gonna decorate my room when i can with xmas stuff, cant wait!


Well-known member
My motherinlaw is a Christmas FANATIC. The first Christmas my husband & I were dating she decorated looked like Christmas exploded on the house...
skating rinks, santas, more santas, gingerbread houses, snow, ALL OF IT. Everywhere.

We put up two trees every year, but don't do outdoor lights.


Well-known member
I just have to share because I'm excited.... I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go get our tree tomorrow and even though he claims to hate the holidays and is super anti he says "Tell you what, we can get the tree and go buy some more Christmas decorations. We'll make a whole Christmas extravaganza out of it." I couldnt' bleieve it! I'm so excited :cartwheel: Gosh I'm a lucky girl... I had no idea that there were even any nice guys in the world and I landed the best of em all!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Bernadette
I just have to share because I'm excited.... I asked my boyfriend if he wanted to go get our tree tomorrow and even though he claims to hate the holidays and is super anti he says "Tell you what, we can get the tree and go buy some more Christmas decorations. We'll make a whole Christmas extravaganza out of it." I couldnt' bleieve it! I'm so excited :cartwheel: Gosh I'm a lucky girl... I had no idea that there were even any nice guys in the world and I landed the best of em all!

oh!! awesome!!!


Well-known member
I had to bring this back because you guys have to go buy this from Hallmark. It's this little penguine and you fill him with jelly beans. When you push down on his head he poops out a jelly bean

It's only $8.


Sorry for the lousy picutres, I took em with my phone.


Well-known member
hahahah!!! look at the little jellybean laying on the table under him.. a little penguin with earmuffs and a scarf! cute!! I might have to go get one.