Best / Worst candidate for MAC ICON?


Well-known member
I'd love for Betty to step back up to the glamour plate, but since she converted to a stricter form of Christianity the chances are pretty slim. :/

P.S. Dame Edna for Icon 2008!


Well-known member
i really hate gwen so i wouldn't be happy with her as an icon-- not to mention she hasn't been around long enough to be considered an icon at all. and i dont think she'll end up being around long enough either (but then again i feel that way about all the stars of today because they seem so fake) and i really don't think gwen is all that special style wise or anything.

id agree with tina turner as the next best one.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
Cher would be the GREATEST! I would LOVE to see a collection with her.
Now for the worst hmmmmm.......... maybe........I can't think of any right now I'll have to get back to you.

I agree, I love Cher!


Well-known member
Honestly I think Christina Aquilera would make a boring icon, all she does is copy Marilyn Monroe. There are so many starlets (and established divas like Mariah Carey) who are guilty of this.

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Originally Posted by greatscott2000
BEST: It's stretch but they should do an ode to the Supermodels of the 90's Christy, Cindy, Naomi,Stephanie, Linda, Veronica and Helena.

I like this idea

Ms. Z

Well-known member
Best: Rita Moreno, Sophia Loren, Tyra, Cher, Debbie Harry

Worst: Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Joan Rivers or her daughter, Courtney Love, Boy George


Well-known member
Best Icon:

2nd Joan Jet, ditto Elizabeth Taylor & Madonna, Diane Lane, Angela Bassett, Juliette Binoche, Chaka Khan, Salt n Pepa, last but not least would like to see an Asian Icon and I would nominate Michelle Yeoh (she was a bond girl and also in Memoirs of a Geisha. She is not only an actor but an accomplished martial artist/stunt woman)

This list is younger but I also like: Alicia Keys, Jody Foster (I know she's barely wears makeup but I think she's very unique), Kate Moss, Gisele Bundchen and the whole Kill Bill Icon cast

Worse Icon:

I can't really think of many but I would say someone that hasn't earned respect and admiration and that would be someone like Paris Hilton. I don't want to be a hater but she doesn't "do" anything other than get in the tabloids and has zero talent IMO.


Well-known member
I know this is impossible, but what about a Marilyn Monroe collection? Can you imagine the amazing reds and the lashes? *swoon*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
Hehe, if they go male, I agree with people who've suggest David Bowie. He is the Glam of Glams. The ultimate glamazon!

David Bowie would be awesome! I also agree with Joan Jett, Siouxsie Sioux and Debbie Harry. What do you guys think of Cyndi Lauper and Nina Hagen? They're both crazy 80's chicks with a definite style, I'd love a collection full of colors.

And I adore Tina Turner too.

If Rick James wasn't passed over, I'd suggest him too! New glitters for sure, hahaha.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Windunder
If Rick James wasn't passed over, I'd suggest him too! New glitters for sure, hahaha.

Bootsy Collins!


Well-known member
I think someone mentioned Meryl Streep. I second that. She's so flexible with her image and roles she play. But that might also mean she doesn't have too much of a "self-identity" (or at least it's not shown).

The worsts...Paris Hilton? And probably even the Olsen twins.


Well-known member
I think that a great Icon would be Sophia Loren. Damn, she looks great even though she's more than 70! I was watching a tv show these days and thought: wow, Sophia Loren still rocks

Brigitte Bardot would be a nice option too, but the last pics i saw from her she doesn't look quite "put together" as some ladies like Jane Fonda...

Worst icon> Paris Hilton. I don't know how can an untalented girl who made her name just because of a tape can become an icon.


Well-known member
I'd like to see a Kate Moss collection, because like her or not, she has had an incredible impact in the fashion world (and I love her style, she's a true original). Though her connection w/ Pete Dougherty makes me kinda nauseous.
Also, I'd love to see a Gong Li Icon collection.


Well-known member
Heehee, I don't know, Pete could add some grittiness to the collection, we'd see a quad like "wasted" - dingy faded denim veluxe with a barf green reflect, "coked" frosted white with silver sparkle, "bruised" a sunken eyed purple, with an abused matte finish, "faded glory" a pale tarnished gold with a cracked finish - you get the picture.


Well-known member
Best: Cher, Madonna, Tina Turner, Prince, David Bowie, and I think Pam Grier would make a great icon as well

Worst (for ANY time period): Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Deirdre
Heehee, I don't know, Pete could add some grittiness to the collection, we'd see a quad like "wasted" - dingy faded denim veluxe with a barf green reflect, "coked" frosted white with silver sparkle, "bruised" a sunken eyed purple, with an abused matte finish, "faded glory" a pale tarnished gold with a cracked finish - you get the picture.

Thats funny. Those actually sound like perfect names for Urban Decay colors! I can see it now...Pete Doherty for Urban Decay


Well-known member
I think Julie Newmar (sp?) would be a great icon. So classicly beautiful. Great cheekbonesI

One NOT to have is the dude that sang "You spin me like a record" from Dead or Alive. He is now a she and "her" makeup is hideous. BLAHHHHH. - C


Well-known member
Ohhhh - what about Lena Horn (sp?) she would be great as an icon. Beautiful stunning woman.

I also agree about David Bowie

Wish to have seen Freddie Mercury too. He was unique to say the least. =)

Would LOVE a Marilyn Monroe Collection all its own too. That would be awesome. -C


Well-known member
Best: How about Jaqueline Bisset? She's French, she's gorgeous and she's certainly been around long enough to be an icon!