Billing Address


So a few weeks ago I wrote to MAC about an issue I had with an MA, they said they would send me a gift, I received Chai Lipglass today, etc.
All arrived fine, untill I looked at the slip that came with it.

There's two sections; bill to, and ship to. Under ship to, it has my name, address, everything all correct.

Then, under bill to, it has the name of someone who lives in New York, or something. I would post a picture, but what with having to black out names and everything, it would end up useless.

Anyone know what's going on? I'm going to call the 1-800 number but right now, I'm just so confused. Is someone else getting billed for my 'free' gift?


Well-known member
maybe its an error but phone them up and ask. if it was a free gift it shouldnt have a billing address.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lalli
if it was a free gift it shouldnt have a billing address.

I think they have to bill it *somewhere*, so it's probably the address of one of their offices where they bill all free gifts to.