Can we subscribe to Specktra Blogs?


Well-known member
I thought we used to be able to do this and that I was subscribed. Now I'm not and I don't see any way to subscribe. Am I just missing something?


Well-known member
I subscribe by putting Specktra on my blogroll, that is the only way that I have figured out how to get updates without checking it all of the time.


Well-known member
A blogroll is a list of other blogs that you enjoy on the side of your blog, mine is right of my posts. (You can click the links in my signature to see). Like, you are showing your followers the other people that you like so they can go check out their blogs too.


Well-known member
Ah, ok, thanks. I don't have a blog so that won't work for me unfortunately. Guess I'll just have to remember to check it when I'm here.