Chanel Spring 2011

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Very pretty, mrslid! Love the cheek and lips. The pic doesn't reflect the 5 e/s colours, I think I can only see 2. Did you cut your hair? I love the length and layers. How are your eyes now? So I guess you would recommend me the quad. ;)


Well-known member
You look absolutely beautiful mrslid. Your hair looks great straight! Thanks for sharing. Miss QQ I recently picked up Flamboyante too & agree - such a face-brightening shade! Pearl Drop looked crummy on me too. :(


Well-known member
I love cheeks and lips! So beautiful! Thank you for posting pics. Now i want peregrina even more


Well-known member
Meg -- your makeup combo sounds beautiful -- you are making me want Peregrina now :)

Christa -- I am loving your hair -- I love the length and it looks great straight! Espiegle and Peregrina look fab on you. How much longer 'till Mexico??

MissQQ -- how fun to finally have all of your new goodies to play with. Let us know if you get anything else. I am now anxious for the new Rouge Cocos to come out in March or April!

I am still interested in the quad -- I am wondering if you can do a lot of daytime looks with it, or if it is mostly for dramatic looks??


Well-known member
winthrop, I have lost track and my memory is poor. Did you buy the quad and do you like it?

I bought the quint...but I do have the quad coming next week.
I ended up with next to nothing from the recent MAC collections and decided against the Guerlain blush so I felt ok about ordering it. I did see/swatch it irl already, and I think it can be great for everyday looks, depending on how much of the dark green you use, but a must have? I would say probably not. Plus it is perm, right? Let us know what you think after you try it mrslid. Or were you wowed by it after you actually tried it?


Well-known member
I got the email from Chanel this morning for THIS collection & before reading what collection it was (just looking at the pics) I was like ooh those are really pretty colors
doh! I already have those dummy.


Well-known member
^^ I haven't bough much of anything from MAC lately. I still really love the MAC stuff I have, but it has been a while since I was super excited about one of their collections. However, I will be all over Surf Baby when it comes out :) I might end up getting the Regard Perle quad in the near future. Of course, I still have quite a few glosses and quads, etc that are on my wishlist to keep me occupied until the Summer collection


Well-known member
Thanks everyone. I've been straightening it a lot lately since it's been looking so wild. It actually looks a lot better than that when it "fresh" but I haven't washed my hair yet today.

Even in person the 5 colours weren't showing. I'll have to play more.

We leave Monday to stay in a hotel near the airport then fly out Tuesday morning. Woo hoo!! I really want to bring my new spring goodies. I don't think I can resist.

Meg -- your makeup combo sounds beautiful -- you are making me want Peregrina now :)

Christa -- I am loving your hair -- I love the length and it looks great straight! Espiegle and Peregrina look fab on you. How much longer 'till Mexico??

MissQQ -- how fun to finally have all of your new goodies to play with. Let us know if you get anything else. I am now anxious for the new Rouge Cocos to come out in March or April!

I am still interested in the quad -- I am wondering if you can do a lot of daytime looks with it, or if it is mostly for dramatic looks??

The quad is ABSOLUTELY appropriate for daytime. I haven't even tried a dramatic look yet. Yesterday I did the Peachy Beige on the lid, Pink in the crease, green blended out in the outer V and ivory on the browbone. It was amazingly gorgeous and very springy, fresh and completely daytime.


Well-known member
I got the email from Chanel this morning for THIS collection & before reading what collection it was (just looking at the pics) I was like ooh those are really pretty colors
doh! I already have those dummy.
That's too funny! I wonder why they're always so behind? Stuff is sold out before they even send those messages out all the time.


Well-known member
I definitely have to try my stuff's sitting there waiting for me!!!

Elegant, I did the same thing this morning.......durr.

MissQQ - I know you will find something, and yes, you're right, when one door closes, 2 more open. Hang in there!!!

I did not get Peregrina but you ladies are making me want to go check it out - I've been doing some serious retail therapy lately as we just sent my son off to South Africa for his spring hoo. He's going to have a great time, though, and it's a terrific opportunity for him.

Christa, your pics are very pretty - you have beautiful skin.

Love Flamboyante and agree with all of your comments!!!


Well-known member
I definitely have to try my stuff's sitting there waiting for me!!!

Elegant, I did the same thing this morning.......durr.

MissQQ - I know you will find something, and yes, you're right, when one door closes, 2 more open. Hang in there!!!

I did not get Peregrina but you ladies are making me want to go check it out - I've been doing some serious retail therapy lately as we just sent my son off to South Africa for his spring hoo. He's going to have a great time, though, and it's a terrific opportunity for him.

Christa, your pics are very pretty - you have beautiful skin.

Love Flamboyante and agree with all of your comments!!!
Miss you! I thought about you today. Maybe because I was shopping

I bought Peche lipliner today - beautiful on.

Your son will have an experience of a lifetime! I wish him well & fun.

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Hi Cheryl! Thanks! I wish your son fun and safe too, and shopping is good therapy lol. Works for me as well. ;)

I should try Peregrina on too, but I didn't and that's good. Otherwise I will come back with it. :p

Thanks, winthrop, can't wait to hear what you think of the quad. Thanks too, mrslid. I think the quad is very springy.

I can't wait to try the quint but I cannot bear to ruin it. It looks so pretty in its perfect state. Just noticed the quint is made in japan. And my blush is also made in france like all of you, but it is baked and not the US formula.

Hope everyone has a good weekend! Here's my haul yesterday.

Black Pearl and my earrings.



Well-known member
MissQQ - ooooohhhhh so PRETTY!!!! Thanks for the pics of your great haul! I hope you love Taupe/Delicat - I smiled when I read your previous post saying you picked it up. I think you will get a lot of use out of it! Your earrings are
- wear them in good health. Stunning combo!

I think I will hold off on Peregrina for awhile....I did some serious damage yesterday in my retail therapy session now my wallet needs a therapy session.......

Miss QQ

Well-known member
Thanks, Cheryl! It took me this long to purchase the duo.
I do like it a lot when I swatched it yesterday. Since Peregrina is perm, I think it can wait and let our wallets breathe first.


Well-known member
MissQQ -- love the pics! And I love your black pearl earrings -- so gorgeous. I once gave a pair of black pearl earrings to my SIL as a gift -- only to find out she doesn't have her ears pierced (guess I am not very observant) I was kinda hoping she'd hand 'em back over since she'll never use them LOL

Off Topic: For all of you book lovers (I think we've discussed books before on here) -- I just finished Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet and then The Secret Diaries of Charlotte Bronte. Both excellent. Would love any more recs.

My hubs told me to make a list of what Chanel stuff I want for Valentine's Day. It's gonna be a LONG list


Well-known member
Pretty pictures MissQQ.
I love black pearls so much. And that polish... I love it on.
Is it also Limited Edition?

I know it's been discussed, but I'm getting confused on what is and what isn't.
Like the Peregrina. I was going to look at that next month. It is not limited? (I look at the Chanel site, and what is listed as limited contradicts other sources. I'm confusing myself I think)

I am going to wear the quad today. with Jersey Rose and Nakkar. I really am loving Nakkar.
It's dreary and rainy, and I've been so focused on Peacocky. I think the quad will be a nice lift. And I'm going to use the quint in my favorite way, as pops of glowiness over the quad. That sounded kinda wonky, pops of glowiness, lol.

I find that alone the quint is weaker than when used with other colors. (to me anyway). I still really love the quint though.


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I'm loving all the reviews you're all posting! Hopefully this collection will be out tomorrow, and i can finally get my goodies! I've changed my list, I'm going to do something so out of character for me and pick up Flamboyant! Miss QQ, i think you've helped me to make up my mind on the peach polish as well! I need a nice light shade to throw on. Other than those two, I'm still sticking with Jersey Rose, Espiegle JC and the quad.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend so far.