College girls *or anyone really* and makeup!

I guess I'm not the typical college student, I have 8am classes Mon-Thursday and was up at 6 to do my makeup, get ready, drive(my campus is 1/2 hour drive from my apt.), and I have to get to school early to get a decent parking spot.

I've been noticing more and more that most girls on campus dont wear makeup, and if they do its like one lid color, mascara, and concealer.

I feel like most of my time is spent on campus and I want to look semi-decent, so if that means i have to go to bed earlier so I can get up earlier, so be it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ncsugrl09
The majority of girls at my school don't wear a whole lot of makeup...everyone else has on only chapstick.

I am the only girl who wears bright coloured eyeshadow in my classes so I always feel overdone in my early morning classes when I am actually dressed, haha. I go to a small university in Northern Ontario and most people who live on campus roll outta bed, put on their parkas and snow boots, slap on a hat and go. Not a fan of that look myself.

Other than that, girls usually wear lululemon workout pants and bare faces so it's pretty relaxed but I like to have fun with my fashion and makeup. In the afternoons the party girls and caked-face girls come outta the woodwork for my teaching special needs children education class so I don't feel as bad...


Well-known member
I usually wear a full face of makeup for uni, as do a lot of the other girls I see. A lot of them wear dresses and heels too and have their hair done, not many people wear tracksuits, just a few in the A&F jumper, fleece Hollister bottoms and Uggs combo.
My college sounds quite different to what you've all described here though. It's not really a turn up, learn, leave kinda place. It's more turn up, sit in one of the cafés/college bar for a while and talk to people/read/eat, maybe go to a lecture or two, sit in cafe/bar for a while longer and then go home. Much more socialising than learning. In fairness I am only in my first year though.


I know what you mean, but its the opposite for me. All the girls at my college wear a lot of makeup. I use Carmex, and thats about it.
But I also had early morning classes, so I tried to wake up as late as i could.


Well-known member
i remember my 1st day of HS i toned my look down totally because i figured all the other girls would be relaxed/bare faced looking and i was already nervous enough, i didnt want to stand out. i spent the summer in platforms/black eyeliner/serious lashes lol so i wear sneakers/light shimmery shadow + a lil mascara, and then i find myself in a sea of girls wearing heavy black liner and thongs hanging out of jeans lol i was like okay, i guess i was wrong. i felt so weird that day.


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People in my uni will bother to dress up but makeup is mainly limited to eyeliner, mascara, and some face products. As for me, I always have on face makeup, blusher, lipliner and a lipstick/gloss. I don't bother doing my eyes because I'm wearing spectacles like 99% of the time. The craziest lippies I've worn to school were Red She Said, Pink Nouveau and Pomposity. Once I was really running late, and I entered the room when a VIP guest speaker was already halfway through his speech with frosty purple lips and heavily applied blusher.

I think Hug Me, Hot Gossip, and "O" (lightly applied) are pretty wearable shades. If I want slightly more color I'd go for Lustering or Capricious. Viva Glam VI is worn when I need to give presentations, because the brown undertones in it make me look older and more mature.

Sorry for the rant (I'm really bored now). I heart lippies because I'm forever running late, and with just a quick swipe it instantly adds color, life and glamour to my face.


Well-known member
I went to a small private college in the Chicago suburbs for undergrad, and most girls didn't wear much makeup (myself included!). I know for me, it was just because I was lazy.

Now I'm in law school in Chicago, and I've found that most girls that around my age - like that started law school within a couple of years of graduating from college - usually wear makeup. The girls that are like 30+ for the most part don't (or it's super natural stuff). There are definitely girls my age that rock a smokey eye for class, but not so much when it comes to bright colors, though.

It could also just be that now I'm in school in the city instead of in the suburbs, though.

Regardless - wear what makes you happy!


Well-known member
I'm a college sophomore.
For the most part, girls keep it very minimal in terms of attire and makeup. Generally, girls come to class bare-faced and in sweats. I tend to do only foundation and lip gloss. I do more makeup on the weekends and when I go out. During the week, I'd rather sleep in than to do a full face of makeup.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I noticed a girl the other day in class wearing false eyelashes. The thing that I didn't get is that the glue was very prominent and gloppy. I think that if you're going to get glammed up, pay attention to the details.


Well-known member
I know what you mean girl, lol. At my college everyone dresses down, when it comes to clothes and makeup. In fact, if you dress up too much (aka, something more than the usual sweats and a free t-shirt) people tend to give you weird looks.

Once I felt bold and did a smokey eye and proudly walked out onto campus sporting my work. Another day I sported a pretty much nude eye and a red lip. Boy did I get weird looks both times. Sometimes I am like you, I wish people would have a little more fun with their makeup and clothes because I know I am definitely not the type who looks amazing dressed down (btw, jealous to all the girls who can pull that off.) But I might as well be a pioneer in the field if that's the case! Haha I just have to gain the confidence to do so.


Well-known member
I think quite lot of people in my year at uni do wear makeup to class, although there is only one person (and she attracts attention for all the wrong reasons) who tends to wear it as bold as I do. I suppose since it's law people are dressing to look professional and smart (being totally makeup free tends to make you look as if you just haven't bothered so most wear minimum of foundation, concealer and mascara). Alot of people tend to focus more on their nails though but make up is considered important definitely. Personally, I go for for the bright bold lipstick look (even in school when everyone else was wearing light frosted pink coloured stuff) and to hell with what anyone else says or thinks, it's not as if anyone is expecting them to wear the same make up as me, it is basically personal comfort (I could never go out bare faced)


Well-known member
I always wear make up to Uni. Fortunately I am one of those who WILL get up 20 minutes earlier to do my face.

The other day I wore foundation, Dainty blush (which you can barely notice), sheer neutral lipgloss and a winged black liner plus mascara. I wouldn't call it heavy make up, but still. One of the girls in my year actually asked me "why do you always wear so much make up?"
And since she is almost famous for her ever greasy hair, I had my remark ready, I said "why do you never wash your hair?". She hasn't talked to me since and I really couldn't care less

Express yourself, girls and don't let others run you down


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Moxy
I always wear make up to Uni. Fortunately I am one of those who WILL get up 20 minutes earlier to do my face.

The other day I wore foundation, Dainty blush (which you can barely notice), sheer neutral lipgloss and a winged black liner plus mascara. I wouldn't call it heavy make up, but still. One of the girls in my year actually asked me "why do you always wear so much make up?"
And since she is almost famous for her ever greasy hair, I had my remark ready, I said "why do you never wash your hair?". She hasn't talked to me since and I really couldn't care less

Express yourself, girls and don't let others run you down

That's the first I've heard of someone being infamous for greasy hair.
I can't imagine, but eww it must be pretty gross.
Great retort you had there, Moxy!
And no, you weren't wearing much makeup at all, just the essentials IMO.


Active member
I'm not really a college girl anymore (graduated in '08), but I think most college women don't wear much makeup because it is kind of arbitrary. It is JUST class and no one really cares how you look.

At my school we were VERY casual when it comes to dressing for class. Just "throw it on and go" and since that is the culture you would look out of place with a full face of makeup and falsies on.

I also think the issue is that many girls are 1) lazy and 2) just don't think they can "pull off" certain looks. Many girls sadly don't have the confidence to wear a bold lip gloss or bright shadow.


Active member
Originally Posted by soglambitious
I'm not really a college girl anymore (graduated in '08), but I think most college girls don't wear much makeup because it is kind of arbitrary. It is JUST class and no one really cares how you look.

At my school we were VERY casual when it comes to dressing for class. Just "throw it on and go" and since that is the culture you would look out of place with a full face of makeup and falsies on.

I also think the issue is that many girls are 1) lazy and 2) just don't think they can "pull off" certain looks. Many girls sadly don't have the confidence to wear a bold lip gloss or bright shadow.

Oh and that being said, I wore a FULL face (w/o falsies) most days
. I'm just THAT girly. tee-hee.


Well-known member
I am an MBA student and yes i do wear a full face to school but when i was in college it was concealer, foundation, mascara and lip gloss


Well-known member

Most girls that do wear makeup = too much bronzer, black liner, mascara and too much nude gloss.

Anyone with any colour on the lid is considered "great at makeup"

miss sha

Well-known member
I'm going to be a senior in college when I return in the fall and I can't say I really remember how much people put makeup on. I think it's a mix of people dressed up and dressed down. I say dressed up because I've definitely remarked on how the hell girls are walking around in spiked heels (our campus is VERY hilly) but I've also seen sweatpants tucked into Uggs and those godawful topknot ponytails (not cute, I don't care how rushed you are!).

I'm one of those people that wakes up early enough for class to shower, get dressed, check my email, and run out the door to be late for class anyway, so yeah, no makeup for me. I do have a lot of classes in the afternoon this semester (and I also work two on-campus jobs) so maybe I'll be wearing more makeup then.


Well-known member
I know what you mean. At work I set down my HK Lip conditioner in Pink Fish on a table and everyone was like. oooooo you wear MAC? Like I was trying to be all high class and fancy. I'm like ? It's a freakin pale pink lip balm w/ spf. Give me a break. Idiots. I wish I had friends that were into makeup/MAC.


Well-known member
At UCF theres tons of chicks wearing makeup. In Orlando, most people here have that "high fashion" attitude that should be kept in NY or LA, lol.