colors e/s


Well-known member
so girlies... i need some pointers. or recomendations!!
i wear nc30, have brown eyes and brown hair, and i HAVE to wear black eyeliner or i look like ive been dead for 30 yrs.

so i just started wearing mac like a montha ago, and the only e/s i have are:

- creme de violet
-shroom [for brow highlight...what the MUA at mac suggested]
-star violet

those are the only ones. the only reason i went purple is because i sometimes wear purple eyeliner instead of black and i like it. but now its boring.

so if you have similar colors, please let me know what looks good on brown eyes, which shadows work better, etc.

and i also need to know which brush i should get for APPLYING eyeshadow. lol. all i have at the moment is the 224 and that is for blending. it doesnt put on much color. i was thinking about the 242 for application. and i want to know what u girls think about the 190 foundation brush. im currently using studio gears foundation brush and i dont really like it. and thinking about the 194 for the eye base application. ALSO thinking about either the 150 or the 187 for beauty powder application. i currently have the 168 for blush.
ANY feedback would be greatly appreciated!

I pretty much need help with selecting e/s and brushes. there are so many brushes and e/s... i dont want to end up spending a fortune on brushes and e/s that dont work for me.

i absolutely love you girls! u all have the best advice! sorry if this is kinda hard to follow. but u get my drift! <3 Thanx.


Well-known member
I have similar coloring as you (NC37, brown hair, brown eyes but I do wear green/hazel contacts). For me, I've found purples work best (i have pretty much all the purple mac e/s). and I love any e/s that have a pinkish, red tone like Cranberry, Sushi Flower, Hepcat,.. I like greens and golds; Humid, Swimming, Gorgeous Gold, Amberlights (copper-y).. and browns like Bronze, Mulch, Woodwinked..

You must get the 187 brush, I think everyone should have it. It makes such a huge difference when you're applying foundation/powder.


Well-known member
I know for me I get so many ideas from the “Member FOTDs” and “Tutorials” section. You can see many examples of people who have your color wearing various looks and colors. I have made many MAC purchases based off some of the looks I’ve seen in the FOTDs and have never been disappointed in my selections – 99% of my MAC purchases are made online.

I started using MAC Feb 2006 and since I had no store in my town, I was unsure of what to order off their site. So, I traveled out of town to visit a store to get recs from the MAs. I used my dozen or so products for a little while, became familiar w/their line and it took off from there.

And YES get the 187 (or 188) -- I have both and I swear by them. I use them for liquid, cream or powder products -- they're so versatile. And my favorite MAC brushes are the 239 (for picking up a lot of color and precisely depositing it on the eye), 222 (perfect blending), 219 (perfect for lining the lower lash line w/es and smudging it or eyeliner or for precise crease or outer V work) and the 252 for applying paints and CCBs. I use the 190 for applying CCBs to my cheeks.

Welcome to the world of MAC; you’re going to love its broad spectrum of colors and products.


Well-known member
Sumptuous Olive is another shade you might like.

my favourite brushes are Maxine's Mop from Loew-Cornell. i have lots of them in the 1/4 and 1/2 inch sizes. these are natural fibre brushes and very inexpensive. you can get them at Michael's Craft Stores and this week, Loew-Cornell brushes are on sale at 25% off.


Well-known member
and another question i fogot to add up there... for those of u with similar face color... what blushes look good? i just wear refined golden as a blush because i hate the too pinky blushes. they look totally fake on me. any suggestions?


Well-known member
i'm definately lighter but i have golden brown eyes and i love MAC greens like Humid, Velvet Moss, Femme Noir. i also like Satin Taupe, Mulch and Tempting (which brings out the goldish tones in brown eyes imo).

for blushes, i'd go for Sunbasque, Trace Gold, Springsheen which are peachy/bronzey colors, for more corally tones, Foolish Me and Pinch Me would be great.


Well-known member
definately get the 217 brush for e/s.. it's a really nice brush that works for the whole eyelid, contouring, and blending.

as for colors, i personally love swimming [[green]] (i love it paired with gorgeous gold), aquadisiac, pink venus, humid [[darker green]], and hepcat [[a purple]]


Well-known member
As for brushes I'll just run down a few (I have too many haha) brushes I have and what I personally like using them for.

190 - Strobe Cream + PP Face
187 - Liquid foundation, powder foundation
129 - blush

Personally I think for the face you could easily get away with spending the money on the 187 and using it for everything. I've seen a lot of MAs use the 187 for moisturizer, primer, liquid, powder, and blush.

252/239 - lid/highlighter on the brow bone
217 - crease/blending
224 - lightly applying highlighter on the brow bone/crease/blending
209 - eyeliner
266 - eyeliner/lining lower lashline
205 - mascara
219 - tear ducts


Active member
I have brown eyes/hair (okay...they are more or less black... Asian, lol) I'm NC20 for SFF, NC25 for powder foundation.. Don't ask me why @_@ I have alien skin. And now for my thesis:

These eyeshadows are the best things that happened to me:
- Shroom (yay you have this!!
- Knight Divine
- Silver Ring (best with Knight Divine)
- French Grey (Better than Moth Brown and Satin Taupe! Pshaw!)
- Tempting (this is very similar to Bronze on me. I have both. This has some sparkles to 'spice' it up)
- Woodwinked

Pinks/Reds (think Coppering) make me look like I was crying or suffering from an allergic reaction, with the exception of Expensive Pink when paired with Jest and Mulch. Anyway, generally speaking, the Veluxe Pearl and Satin e/s formulas are easiest to blend and work with. Velvets look nice but apply horribly (unless piled on with 242). Blushes: I loveee Coppertone & Pinch O Peach!!! Peachy Is Good. If you have larger pores, I'd say stay away from Springsheen/those with the shimmer. Blegh... Just don't work for me..

-242!!!!! (for applying e/s, paint, f/l for a base. it is stiffer so works well to make colors bold. great for pigments too!)
-217!!!!!!! (blending, highlight, soft wash of color to crease, everything! i love love love this... I want another one!!!! *hides* I think people also use it for concealer???)
-219 (smudge liner, applying to lower lashline.. I also cheat with this... Tap it onto a color I'm using and lightly 'draw' the shape of the eyeshadow that I want on my eyelid.. Like a pencil. But this is because I am Chinese and have no proper crease and thus need a template as I have a lack of skillz. SO THERE.)
-213 (applying colors lightly to 'correct' intensity... this is like a 'basic' e/s brush.. Probably not necessary if you have the 242 and 217, but handy to have around for a quick wash because you woke up late :O )
-224 (Highlight, try to 'lower' intensity of colors you over apply due to horrible lighting. Guilty as charged. People like this for blending, but there might be better brushes for that, which I have yet to try!)

-187!!!! (just get it! I have 2 because it is that good. The number of threads there are about this brush says enough. Moisturizer->StrobeCream or P+P->Liquid foundation->Loose Powder->Blush->Whateverhighlighter/msf,etc. In other words, everything. Except for eyes, unless you want a blob of light color.... I should try that one day... WHO KNOWS! >_>)
-129 (I use it for contouring because I HAVE NO CHEEKBONES. Works for blushers too. I want your 168. Surrender it to moi!)
-190 (I have this... But I am not sure what to do with it. 187 > 190... So maybe you can skip on this.)

Conclusion of thesis... Erm... 187!!!! I know, I'm really longwinded.. :p