Could I pull off light blonde?



Okay, so for quite some time I've been wanting to bleach my hair but was never able to pluck up the "bravery" before now. However, before I do it, I want to make sure I'm going to like it.

I don't have any pictures of myself, but I'll describe my general looks to you so you can get a general idea. My Studio Fix color is N4, and its a perfect match. I have hazel eyes, and my natural hair color is somewhere between light and medium brown (it varies depending on who you ask). My eyebrows aren't too terribly dark but they're not light either. However, I could always make them thinner so they look lighter.

I wouldn't be going for a natural blonde. If anyone is familiar with sleaze rock, you know how most of the people into that scene have that bleached blonde hair with their roots showing beneath teased hair? Thats the sort of thing I'd be going for (think Michael Monroe of Hanoi Rocks).

Could I pull this off, or would it look ridiculous?


Well-known member
It's really hard to say without a picture, basing on a description only. I would suggest getting some feedback from a hair stylist.


Well-known member
I agree with MissChievous.. I dyed my hair platinum once (with hot pink streaks haha), and within a few months I was back to my natural haircolour.