crease color creasing!?


Well-known member
I use UDPP and I STILL have that problem, but I found out its from the eyeliner on my upper lid rubbing onto the crease when I blink, but what solved it was putting loose powder over the eyeliner and the eyeshadow on my crease ALONG with UDPP under =) try it, it should work


Well-known member
I'm just wondering if anyone has this same problem. I use MAC matte texture to prevent creasing of my shadows and pigments. Now It works great if I only use two colors such as a light color in the inner corner and a darker faded to the outer v but as soon as I add a crease color it starts to crease a few hours after applying my make up!!?

does this happen to anyone else? I've heard UDPP has a great rep from the thread posted here....but perhaps I am applying the crease shadow incorrectly? is that possible?



Well-known member
i dont think it's because you're applying the crease color incorrectly.. i mean it's your what you want. but i do suggest you get the UDPP because it really works. i also have a problem with creasing eye makeup in general and with UDPP my makeup lasts all day.


New member
I agree with litweekstar - UDPP is a holy grail product and I am so glad that I have it.
With oily lids I used to get really bad creasing with e/s but now I just put a slick of this on and it stays put all day. It even last through a night of dancing (and was still perfect the next morning after I had fogotten to take it off the night before

Well worth the money as it lasts for ages as well.