Dark hair follicle? I don't even know.


Well-known member
Whenever I shave my legs, or any part of my body for that matter, I get these really dark spots. I hate them, I really do because it looks like I haven't shaved for awhile when I did. How can I make them go away, or at least make them less visible?

Now, on my chest area I have the same problem. I have these same spots but I've never shaved my chest, so..uh...what's going on? I hate it a lot, it makes me feel very uncomfortable. Any ideas?


Well-known member
have you tried waxing? they may very well be just dark hair follicles which can be fixed with waxing or threading.


Well-known member
exfoilate b4 u shave, this will help any stubble/hair become looser so u can shave more closely. it sounds like maybe u arent getting a close enough shave. u might like a shaving gel instead of a cream also. and maybe try a razor with more blades then ur using now.


Well-known member
Doesn't sound like Keratosis Pilaris or at least the link I read. I have the same thing... I'll shave my legs and they will be smooth as a baby's bottom, but you can see like the remainder of the dark hair that is beneath the skin.


Well-known member
I don't believe that's what I have at all. I don't have bumps. Really, my legs aren't the concern. It's my chest


Well-known member
Sounds like it might be time for a trip to the dermatologist. I'm sure they'd be able to help you....


Well-known member
I think waxing would be your best bet. Over time, your hair folicles can stretch by constantly shaving/waxing/plucking, so your best bet is to rid of all the hair from the root.


Well-known member
It sounds like ingrown hair maybe??
I get this too, and I epilate, exfoliate and shave!
I'm pale skinned and have dark hair, so it shows up more

You could try a cream for it. I can't remember off-hand what it's called, but I can find out if you like.