Dilemma: To cut or not to cut? includes pics


Active member
I'm having a serious dilemma lately.

The problem is: my hair is pretty long and sometimes i'm proud of the lenght and stuff but other times it just annoys me (i need an hour only to get it dryed, my hairdresser needs two full hours to brush it lol) and i want to get it cut as short as possible.

The only thing that holds me back is that i think i might regret it afterwards...i also have a lot of hair and it is pretty wavy so a short cut might turn out a bit poofy...

i'm really desperate, i need some advice!!

btw: the reason i want short hair is i wouldn't have to spend hours in my bathroom (you get really painfull arms from the brushing!!) and it would give me a bit more of a sassy or bolder look, i don't really know how to explain it..

This is what my hair looks like:

I would want my hair this way but with bangs as in the pic below:

This is also my alternative (if my hairdresser objects that my hair is too wavy)

So please give me some comments or advice
Thanks a lot


Well-known member
Definitely cut! I think the 2nd pic would look great with your wavy hair, I do like the first but I think the 2nd would work best for you. A few layers, 3/4 inches of the length, a barrel iron, some serum and it'd look soooo nice!!!!


Active member
Mmm yeah i guess that will also be the answer of my hairdresser...but i don't want to look to cute

Anyway thanks for replying!


Well-known member
I like #2 as well for your hair type. If you want to cut more off though, I'd go shoulder length, that way it's still long enough to grow out fast, but a good amount shorter to cut down your style time. I agree with layers & side swept bangs.


Well-known member
I really like picture #2! I think it would be a great look on you... and you can always go shorter....

Whenever I feel like a big change, I give myself 6 weeks to wait and think it over. If I still feel the same way, I go for it, otherwise I usually regret such a drastic decision.


Well-known member
I actually like the first one although it may take some straightening to get it like that. In my experience when you cut alot off of your hair you almost always cry in the beginning. If it's a good cut though you end up liking it more than long hair. Short hair is really cute and it always grows back anyway.


Well-known member
well picture one isn't working. but i just cut like 7 inches off my hair. and i kinda regret it. but than again.. it'll grow back. so just go for it


Well-known member
At one time, I had my hair as long as yours. I got it cut to my shoulders and no one made a big deal. The reason - all that hair is behind you. Everyone looks at the front of you and not the back of your head. Most people with really long hair wear it up a lot or wear it down their back.

Since you are very attached to feeling length (unconsciously), I would cut your hair in a blunt cut about 2" below the shoulder or no shorter than the shoulder. I would let you adjust to it for a while.

I would give you a classic style that is very versatile first. The first picture is a trendy cut that would require you to use products and more styling tools than you are using now. The 2nd one is a lady with baby fine hair that isn't as thick as yours. Her hair has bangs and a razor cut on the ends. They used products to make her hair curl more and a curling iron.

I wouldn't go with either one of these first. I would go with classic first tailored to your hair and face shape.


Well-known member
I think any of the cuts would look cute on you.

You have a lot of hair. My only concern is: it seems as though a short cut would be so much easier compared to how long and thick you hair is now. But you may end up having hair that is too wavy/thick and won't cooperate with a short cut. I can't imagine having a short cut because my hair is thick and curly and gross, and I'd end up straightening it everyday.

anyways I guess that just crossed my mind. I'd talk to your stylist and start off slow. Don't go so drastic in one shot. Not saying it wouldn't look good. but you can always take more off.


Well-known member
Oh I was on the same dilemma some days ago. My hair was about your lenght.
I cut it 2 days ago... and it was so nice when it was dried by itself so fast!!

I was really afraid of cutting it because my hair is curly and thick... and when it's shorter it tends to have a LOT of volume. But I don't know what my stylist did, I talked to him, explained that I wanted around 20 cms less but I didn't want more volume... and now I LOVE IT! Now it reaches around 5cms under my shoulders (and it has less volume than what I was used to... lol!)



Well-known member
Definately do it! I was thinking of doing it for months, Ive never had my hair short & then a few weeks ago I just thought why not? It will always grow back & at least then I'll know if it suits me. Mines cut similar to what you want & my hair is naturally wavy. Only problem is, I dont like my hair with this cut if Ive not straightened it, but thats just me