Does getting panic/anxiety attacks mean I'm depressed??


Well-known member
This morning i had my third panic attack, all three within one month. And I'm scared to see my doctor cuz i know those types of attacks are linked to depression and i don't want me to be in that situation... I don't want to go on meds and labled (crazy,depressed...). I feel stressed at times but i don't think I'm depressed.

If you girls know anything about this please share with me....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SassyMochaJess
This morning i had my third panic attack, all three within one month. And I'm scared to see my doctor cuz i know those types of attacks are linked to depression and i don't want me to be in that situation... I don't want to go on meds and labled (crazy,depressed...). I feel stressed at times but i don't think I'm depressed.

If you girls know anything about this please share with me....

You won't find any professionals here. I can say that I've known people that dealt with panic attacks. They went to see their doctors. I suggest you do the same.
Don't worry about how it may look, just worry about getting better.


Well-known member
A lot of times, medication is the last resort. And there are a large number of people who have resorted to treatment of anxiety and/or depression and aren't labeled "crazy." If you know you need help, then get help. It is a private matter between you and your doctor.


Well-known member
Panic/anxiety attacks are used as an indicator. You might have depression, you might not. I can promise that a professional will have a better answer than maybe, and be able to develop a treatment plan. Getting diagnosed has nothing to do with whether you have it or not, so refusing to see someone isn't going to make it go away if it is there. Go see a professional. Either you are depressed and you can deal with it, or you aren't and you can deal with whatever is causing the panic attacks. In both cases you're hopefully better off than you are right now.

*hug* Take care of yourself.


Well-known member
I need to go to your doctor, there could be serious medical reasons you are having these attacks.

I have anxiety attacks because I have Agoraphobia..But I am not at all stressed or depressed.


Well-known member
a lot of people have anxiety attacks and they aren't depressed. After I had my son I was having anxiety attacks (mostly at night) a TON... I went to my Dr. about it and was labeled with post-partum anxiety. Nothing to do w/ depression at all.. I was extreamly happy.. just stressed out about a LOT of stuff... I got on 10 mg of prozack a day and am doing GREAT... thats 1/2 the dose that they give people normally for depression.

So dont worry-- you might not even be linked to depression.. just get yourself some help... TRUST me you will be happy in the long run! =)


Well-known member
Like everyone has said, anxiety and panic attacks don't necessarily mean depression, but there's no surefire way to know unless you see your doctor. I've had terrible anxiety for years, so I understand how the thought of it can make you even more nervous. I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!!


Well-known member
just because you have panic attack here and there, does not mean you have depression! it could just mean that you are under a lot of stress and are having a hard time coping with it. i would suggest going to see a therapist [who will not and cannot prescribe you medication] to try to work some things out. they can give you tips on how to deal with panic attacks and work out some things that are going on in your life.

also, some people take medicine just for panic attacks and take them on an as needed basis. just remember, medication is usually used as a last resort, so do not be afraid to go talk to someone.


Well-known member
I have general and social anxiety disorders. I have panic attacks quite often when I'm not on my medication. I'm not a depressed person. I just think too much sometimes, and I can't help it. I'm not "crazy". A LOT of people have the same problems. I'm on a preventative medicine (no dependancy, sedation involved) called Buspar. It works wonders. I'd highly recommend seeing a professional. Don't worry about feeling crazy, you're definitely not alone.

And btw, you don't have to be crazy to be depressed. It can happen to anyone with the right situations, stresses. You should probably be more open-minded without just assuming people are crazy...


Well-known member
Agree with going to see your doctor, to be honest I think part of your hesitation to go see the doctor may be inducing further stress/anxiety. Just remember that you are not alone, a lot of people are/have been in similar situation as yourself. It's okay, take a deep breath you can do this.

This is not directed at you but I must address this - there's nothing wrong with depression/being depressed (other than depression itself).

It's more common than people know or would like to openly talk about. It's a shame that it's so heavily stigmatized because it can happen to perfectly normal sane people at any time in their life, unexpectedly. By all means being depressed does not mean one is crazy. What does crazy mean anyways? I'll digress on that. Don't forget depression varies widely in severity, length of time, symptoms, etc. Same goes for treatment, it can be as simple as getting some exercise (endorphins), writing in a journal, talking to a friend, seeing a therapist, taking medication all the way to radical type treatments. I'm not an expert by all means but you get the jest.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ashleyisawesome
I have general and social anxiety disorders. I have panic attacks quite often when I'm not on my medication. I'm not a depressed person. I just think too much sometimes, and I can't help it. I'm not "crazy". A LOT of people have the same problems. I'm on a preventative medicine (no dependancy, sedation involved) called Buspar. It works wonders. I'd highly recommend seeing a professional. Don't worry about feeling crazy, you're definitely not alone.

And btw, you don't have to be crazy to be depressed. It can happen to anyone with the right situations, stresses. You should probably be more open-minded without just assuming people are crazy...

i definetly can relate to u. i worry alot but I not depressed, im not suicidal and i live a pretty normal life except that i think way too friggin much. and it affects me but it doesn't affect me to the point where im not living my life normally.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ginger9
Agree with going to see your doctor, to be honest I think part of your hesitation to go see the doctor may be inducing further stress/anxiety. Just remember that you are not alone, a lot of people are/have been in similar situation as yourself. It's okay, take a deep breath you can do this.

This is not directed at you but I must address this - there's nothing wrong with depression/being depressed (other than depression itself).

It's more common than people know or would like to openly talk about. It's a shame that it's so heavily stigmatized because it can happen to perfectly normal sane people at any time in their life, unexpectedly. By all means being depressed does not mean one is crazy. What does crazy mean anyways? I'll digress on that. Don't forget depression varies widely in severity, length of time, symptoms, etc. Same goes for treatment, it can be as simple as getting some exercise (endorphins), writing in a journal, talking to a friend, seeing a therapist, taking medication all the way to radical type treatments. I'm not an expert by all means but you get the jest.

thx for your take. i just feel like certain ppl in my life make me feel like im going mad and thats way i think anxiety/depression is some times labeled that way. i myself know better than that.