Does it seem like I have a chance?


Well-known member
I am so nerovus. Last Friday I met with the counter manager for Estee Lauder. I actually went through the company and was told to meet with her. She took me down to HR, I filled out an app., than she brought me up to the counter.. showed me how to color-match foundations, how to line lips, told me about sales goals, customer service, etc. She said she will tell HR to call me than I will need a phone interview.
Sure enough, Macy's called and I go back today at 4pm for an interview with the head cosmetic department manager. I was a bit sick and was scared I didn't do my 100% best and am now very nervous. I am leaving straight from my full-time to go there so I do not have time for much except for touch-ups. I am wearing all black, kept my nails simple (I usually wear black nail polish but just have on clear now) and have my resume ready. Does anyone have any advice/tips, etc? I have read this entire board and I guess I just need to know if it seems like I have a good chance? I have six years of retail experience.. even more of customer service. I was a store closer and have worked with sales goals, etc. I am a bit nervous about the make-up application as I never had applied make-up professionally to anyone. (I have done make-up on my friends and family though).

Basically, do I have a chance? I don't mean to add another one of these threads to the board but I guess I just want an honest opinion. I really want this job and to be honest, I really need this job as well.


Well-known member
its sounds good to me! i think you'll do great and you'll get the job! no worries! i've seen people with less experience and skills get jobs in the cosmetic department and i think you'll be fine! just believe in yourself and have a good attitude! good luck!


Well-known member
Thanks for the replies.. I hated to start another thread like this but am sooo nervous! I just really really want this job!


Well-known member
Thanks everyone.. the interview went good. She said the next call I get will be from a vendor for the Talent Plus phone interview. That's good, right? The only bad thing is that there might not be an opening at Lauder, which was the one I went for. She said there are other openings though and to give her time to sort out where she wants to put me. I want and need this job so bad, lol the wait is killing me!


Well-known member
just an update (i kinda doubt anyone cares but it might help someone out in the same situation..)

i had my interview on sunday.. this was my talent plus. we kept playing phone tag, it was so awful (macys had the vendor contact me.. they didn't even tell me which counter it was gonna be and ended up being origins). i had no idea they were calling and was so dissapointed that i missed their calls. in fact, since it was over a week since my interview, i didn't even expect anyone to call me at that point!

i was told my talent plus went very well but that another girl is going for the job and she did very well, too and it will be a tough choice. she than went over dress code, training dates, etc. i was told she would get back to me btu didn't hear anything yet. she said it is unusual that both of us did so well.

i am dying.. i want this job so so bad! i have a good 6 or 7 years experience in retail... some of those years were being a closer. i'm great at customer service and this really is my dream job. i am just going for part-time because i do have a good, steady full time but would like to go into this industry full time one day.

nobody understands my agony.. people tell me it's just a "dummy job" and don't understand why i had so many interviews, etc. they don't get it that this really is my dream. idk why it's waiting so long but assume i didn't get it and have to keep on looking..


Well-known member
Gawsh, I know. I hate the "dummy job" 'tude people associate with retail cosmetics. It's definitely involved and some folks have no idea. I'm a junior and psych major at the University of Fl and I also a temporary manager of a Target's health and beauty aides dept, but I don't know what I'm going to do after school. I'm pretty good at retail. I don't think I'm cut out for a freelance MA. So, working at a counter seems like it would really set me up, y'know? But, I'm having trouble finding open positions at any counters much less MAC. Solidarity, sistah!