Ello fellow addicts!


Well-known member

Hey everyone!

I'm relatively new to collecting mac and stumbled on to specktra in Nov 08!
I started last christmas and have been slowly building up my teeny tiny kit.
I as well as MAC come from the home and freezing cold land of Canada!
Last summer I lived in LDN, UK it was a hoot I miss it muchly. So many
MAC counters and stand-alone's! Now the closest MAC PRO is .5 hour drive.

My top 3 MAC products I own are: Carbon, Speed Dial, and Brit Wit.


TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member

Welcome to Specktra! Hope you have a lot of FUN here!

You're going to have a great time collecting MAC this year!

Where would we be without Carbon e/s?

Have a great summer in Canada!