Ex MAC employees

Question. When you are freelancing or doing makeup . How do you color match the foundation. Do you start out with color matching? How long do you take for that? Do you color match the chest or the lower jaw line? What questions do you ask before doing the clients makeup? Reason why I ask because i want to start freelancing hoping to free lance for Mac. My clients are usually African American.. But working for Mac I know I would do all ethnicities. How do you color match them befor you start? Do you have a layout of potential colors then test it on the neck or chest? All help will be appreciated.
Before working for MAC , you should have some makeup experience / retail experience . Questions I ask before applying foundation concealer etc, how is your skin type are you oily dry combo ? What type of finish are you looking for more matte or satin or dewy ? ( make sure you know the difference between finishes ) to color match I honestly just can tell by looking at somebody but if I'm unsure I swatch on their jaw bone and on their nose . I like to swatch on the nose since its a more promoniate feature. Hope this helps !